
Where does a supermarket mum like to live?

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I bought a $10 yellow mum potted from the grocery store. I wanted to get some plants in the house. I heard mums just don't like the house. Would it be better to put my mum on the porch? It's dying and obviously doesn't like the house. Or maybe it's just in shock from the frigid grocery store climate? I water it every few days, trying to let it dry before waterings. It's fairly sunny here, but not directly. I was going to cut off the dead parts to try and help it along. Help my poor mum!




  1. Mums aren't houseplants.  They bloom in late summer and fall, so growers sell them for fall color outdoors in the ground or in containers.  You can keep it a little longer if you protect it from hard frost;  throw a sheet over it at night if frost is predicted.  But when it's gone, it's gone.  Think of it as a cut flower bouquet and enjoy it.

  2. They prefer being planted in the ground, will take full sun.

    Growers usually plant several individual plants in a pot for visual impact.  They also deliver plants when just coming into full bloom.  Dead head your plant, there may be a few buds left.

    Mumms are perennial, bloom early spring, early fall.  They don't make good house plants.

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