
Where does an individual's personality come from???

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Where does an individual's personality come from???




  1. From being 'corrupted' by outside factors .... like Ginduras will corrupt your personality if you get "real' close to him ... ganja farm lah ... X-thingy lah ... and macam-macam lagi ... lol

  2. for serious answer : many factors,





  3. Good question. Part of it is from personal experience, then some influence by friends and family. And maybe Krab's blessing too

  4. from clinical point of view, one's personality comes from the following factors:

    1. Genes

    2. Values

    3. Environment

    4. Education

    you can't blame me if i go ape sometimes because i am a natural ape.... hehehe

  5. From life's experience.

  6. there behind the crab farm

  7. From oneself actually.

    Also from life's experience, exposure and surrounding. It's nothing to do with formal education and religion.  

  8. I believe it cames from their up-bringing.. at least, it is for me.

  9. It comes from various aspects.Example:

    1) myself was raised in poor family, my parents taught me how to be modest and work hard.

    2) I spent 5 years in religious school (SMKA)..don't expect me to be a pious person but im really proud to be a SMKA student.

    3) befriend with ppl from diff background.

    4) Experience with men (lovelife)


  10. nature and nurture.

  11. calibration of personality matrix.

  12. my mom said that my personality is almost same like my father (the way i talk,smile,and my attitude ex..sometime is to helpful until trouble my self) maybe genetic factor is one factor can create a individual personality + (agree with yaya) is also can come from various expect like the way we raised ,family back ground ,education,friends,surrounding,experienc... make avery individual  have own personality

  13. From you yourself......

  14. -surrounding - family, friends

    -their own will

  15. Family, friends, environment, religion, philosophy  

  16. ...combination of nature and nurture....

  17. I have no idea where mine comes from I guess life in general I like to make sarcastic comments which makes people that don't know me very well think I'm mean but no I'm actually really nice.

  18. Fistly, personality emanated from your parents personal traits and your nature of upbringing.

    Secondly, money and wealth.  These two dictates how you carry yourself and how you see life.

  19. Education, experience, exposure.

  20. From YOU! You are responsible for your being!

  21. the parents!!!

    PEACE =D

  22. I believe it's partly inborn (all my 3 kids are different though they are raised in the same family!)

    And also shaped from young through life experiences and upbringing. That include moral and religious values taught from young. Also one's ingrained habits.

  23. from his/her friend and family who are the biggest influence

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