
Where does email go once it's deleted from your trash?

by  |  earlier

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What does it become? Are all the 1's & 0's just scattered to the wind or does it go somewhere else?




  1. They go to cyber heaven

  2. its gone.  Period.  I've heard there may be ways to still recover deleted data of this sort, but I"ve never seen it nor had to experience it so can't say for sure.

  3. it has gone to HDD or temp, bt we can restore again those data's

  4. it comes to my computer so i can read all your dirty little secrets ;)

  5. Its gone after that or on some computers---History!!!!!

  6. It's like 52 card pickup. It's out there, but no one wants to get on their knees and go get it!

  7. It actually stays on the hard drive. It's just marked by the file system as 'overwrite this data with any new data'

  8. You know, this is a good question!

    I look forward to hearing people's answers, lol!

  9. probably say the same place all your recycle bin files go when deleted so big land fill in cyber space lol

  10. a web archive somewhere

  11. It's sprinkled like stardust across the net!

  12. depending on your E-mail provider yahoo holds on to a deleted e-mail for about 30 day before the really delete it. Go ogle holds on to em for about two weeks and then they delete it.  When you delete something from your computer the information is still on the hard drive its just that the operating system now regards that part of the hard drive where the info is stored as free space and until it is overwritten by something else the info is still there and it can be retrieved with the proper program.

  13. On a typical hard drive, when a file is erased, it isn't erased at just that moment. Your harddrive simply reallocates the spot on your hard drive where the information exists, so that future files can be saved OVER it.  Internet files, including emails, are on hard drives on the internet called servers. They perform the same process. They probably take less time to write over than on your personal computer since millions of people access them regularly, as opposed to just you.

  14. they go to the recycler folder of your hard drive

  15. lol idk proabably just erased

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