
Where does fire come from?

by  |  earlier

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and i don't mean in the chemical reaction sense. It is proved chemically but have you ever just put all that aside and looked at fire and thought... where has that come from because it doesn't look anything like what you'd expect from friction. It's almost like looking at magic.




  1. Well, most of the time you see sparks come from the heat of the friction, and when it gets hotter and hotter it grows bigger, and oxygen helps the fire grow,  and eventually becomes a fire. I don't really beleive in magic and to me, it look nothing like magic...are you a little kid? I think you are if you're talking about fire coming from magic...

  2. Are or where you loaded?

  3. Grog say..........scary light from sky........ make big bang and tree fall over........then me see funny.......little dancing thingies.........that make breath come from tree........Grog touch dancing thingies.........but dancing thingies bite him. Grog get mad and break tree.........tree with dancing thingies.......and Grog throw tree away..........on other big pile of trees..........dancing thingies get big..........and make lots of breath........ Grog get near but.........Grog start to feel Grog throw old hunting food on it,,,..........later Grog find hunting food.......but hunting food smell Grog taste it and it taste good.

  4. Fire belonged to the gods, but Prometheus stole it and gave it to man. For this he was chained to a great rock and every day eagles came and ate his liver (it apparently grew back every night). Obviously the gods were a bit ticked off and they haven't spoken to us since.

  5. It comes from existing matter and energy released by the friction. It is a natural physical thing.

    But that doesn't make it less magical, really. Consdier how amazing it is that you can strike a match and BAM there's a plasma on the match. And how it spreads and gets bigger. All physically explained, but all magical just the same. That's the way to live life; appreciating beauty that way makes living a million times as worthwhile.

    I admire your ability to think beyond the simple and the accepted, and consider things that, even as nothing more than a "what if?" can open your mind and brighten your day.


    And it isn't that science can't explain the way a fire starts; it is more like, science can't explain how it looks and seems. It is wonderful to talk of atoms and particles, but science still never says, "Here is what happens on the level we can see, on the level where we live our lives." That place is always a mystery, even if the answer has already been found on a different level.

  6. Science can easily explain what fire is.  Fire is simply rapid oxidation of it's fuel source.  That's it, no magic involved, nothing paranormal, and don't go thinking your some kind of genius, cause all you really are is ignorant of this fact; and probably a lot more.

  7. the most easy answer is lightning

  8. Depends on how you define magic.  Personally, I define magic as 'something that doesn't exist'.  Therefore, it can't look like fire.  But since people try to picture magic and it has to look like something real, they pick fire.

  9. My guess is fire originally came from lightning. But what if fire was needed and lightning wasn't striking anything-then something could be held to sunlight to ignite spark. Could an astrological fire trine have anything to do with it, or is it all about the sun providing it? Probably these are just subtle concepts, not actual fire.

    Further, what about the origin of fire, its purpose, purest essence; has there always been a sun, or was existence previously self-luminous? If so, what caused the sun? Maybe it's a formerly inhabitable planet which has become infernous because of nuclear and atomic science. Or, we could be tiny creatures fallen from a world where the sun was a piece of pollen fallen from a flower, a world which was self-luminous. Maybe Loki stole it and the theft caused the pollen to flame in a representation of what happens or can happen as a result of theft

  10. of course fire comes from God.

  11. AREA 51

  12. contact with oxygen keeps it going

  13. When certain chemicals are heated they produce a photon which is light caused by an excitement of their electrons to another energy level.  When wood burns its electrons become excited from the heat and the electrons are excited and produce a photon, or heat energy.  Some different metals can emit a photon that is pink, blue, or green as well.

  14. Fire has been an important part of human culture since the Lower Paleolithic.- is considered to be an agent of purity and as a symbol of righteousness and truth.The flame represents - and links with the source of our creation. It speaks to us of the soul spark - that is above and below - within and without - that which links us all together. It is the light - your light - that which you seek. it's even perfect for developing a good level of concentration,what you said is valid rather than to know

    the scientific aspect of it,it is a perfect balance to enjoy the wonders of it!

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