
Where does frustration come from? can you control it?

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can someone please help i am a very calm forgiving person and that being said i take alot of c**p I'm 15 and I'm very precocious but when someone makes me mad i just brush it off and forget it and in a nutshell ive basically been stepped on in my life from almost everyone and i never even really had anyone in my life but christ, and my family. but now i have found the one this gil i truly love my soul mate and we are both precocious but ever since ive been dating her i start to explode from the smallest of things like her laughing loudly or some stuff i don't even know why i go off i just wanna know why am i going off on the one i love if i don't even feel angry? i get so frustrated at times we start arguing for days where do i get this frustration from how can i control it and how can i keep from letting it out on my lover?




  1. We often let out suppressed feelings on those we care for most, because be know they will still love us. It helps me to tell people exactly what I am feeling.And say stuff I wouldn't ordinarily say. I am a really shy so it sort of freaks people out when I dont take there c**p, but then I dont end up yelling at my loved ones.  

  2. it comes from the abdula abligada i think in your brain... its where like your anger comes from which would be in your matter frustration...

    controlling it is easy take a breath and put your stress on something else such as smoking??

    or maybe your a little young to call her your lover and things may just get out of hand that you cant handle and the stress builds up so just have time to think about it

    or take valium?

  3. bcuz u wanna control her and want her to be more lady like? bcuz some of her actions embarass u when its done in public? bcuz u got more etiquette than her but ur probably less rounded than her anyway if she can laugh loudly and u get mad, thats f*cked up.  

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