
Where does inspiration come from?

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From outside influences?

From inside?

From something Greater than us?





  1. i think it varies by person.

    for me,

    it's outside influence sometimes- i thought i really wanted to be a filmmaker after seeing lord of the rings, or how well phelps has done this olympics.

    inside, sometimes- simply wanting to outdo my betters and prove myself

    and possibly something greater at times, when i get random urges to get a song or something done.

    so i suppose i've experienced all of those.  i guess it comes whenever something gets triggered in your brain for whatever reason.  

  2. Well it comes from a great many places like love ' Death Happiness' sadness; and even hate.I get mine from my son and from the life i lived long ago as it was hard and cold and i never want to be in that place again so it inspires me to strive for a new life and a new love.

  3. Most artists are inspired by tragedy.  Sad but true.  OK some are inspired by romance but only a few people get to experience true romantic love though I think that most of us have experienced tragedy to a degree...

  4. Always thought of inspiration as an outside source that provides enlightenment which illuminates a desire that we were not aware of but that was present within us the entire time.

  5. That which you call "something greater than you" it is you, in spirit form..Being "in Spirit"means being in Spirit of your true Self..That One which we are desperately looking for all over...

  6. There are many reasons where inspiration come from.From the people we love,the surrounding & our for the sake of our own dignity.

  7. from dreams

    answer my Q;...


  8. The word "inspiration" comes from the word "spirit," so it comes from your spirit, just beyond rational thought. If you could stay there all the time, you would be flooded with inspirational thoughts and emotions continually in a blissful state of energy.

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