
Where does natural gas come from?

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Is it similar to the process that created oil ( the natural process, not the refining process)?




  1. From a natural source, naturally.

    It is the byproduct of the oil industry and used to be vented off, actually.  It actually comes from the heat and forces upon the rock and minerals in the earth.  It is not organic in the sense that it came from plants and animals.

    Now they keep the gas at the top and refine the liquid at the bottom of the well.

    Beans are another source...

  2. Yes. It comes from the breakdown of organic matter by anaerobic bacteria. Depending on heat and pressure underground, this results in gas, oil or coal.  

  3. yeah basically, but it is produced at a higher temperature than oil is, and lower in the ground. check out wiki for more info.  

  4. Natural gas is formed from plankton, water-dwelling microorganisms that include algae and protozoans. As these microorganisms died and accumulated on the ocean floors, they were slowly buried and the remains were compressed under layers of sediment. Over millions of years, the pressure and heat exerted by the overlying sediments chemically transformed this organic material into natural gas.

  5. yeah of course it is ,but with extra pressure,heat,and time of exposure.

    regarded with the refinning process:

    it is alike the process of petrolume refining:molecular distillation that is dependent on the boiling degrees of the material.

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