
Where does oil come from and why is it bad for the ground?

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Where does oil come from and why is it bad for the ground?




  1. is this a joke question ?

    should we say it comes from the ground but if it goes back it is bad

    it comes from deep in the ground ,and is derived from long time dead organic material compacted ,like coal and diamonds,and it is bad for the soil (which is not the same as ground)and it kill many animals in the sea because it coats and sticks o their feathers and skin ,so that they cant fly or swim or eat any more

  2. The "true" source... the sun.  But,  essentially, dead plant and animal materials from many years ago.  So, you can think... oil is from dead dinosaurs, who ate plants, who got their energy from the sun.

    Why is it bad for the ground?  Well, it's pollution.  The ONLY problem with pollution is concentration.  Uranium, Lead, Oil, Bromine  and most other toxics, are all naturally occurring .  They just don't typically appear highly concentrated.  It's the high concentration that's the problem.  Think of a swimming pool, Chlorine occurs naturally.  But the concentration in a pool is much higher than normal.  High enough to kill algae and other things we don't want, but low enough that it doesn't cause your skin to fall off.

    Oil is a similar problem.  Most animals and plants do not function well with high concentrations of complex hydrocarbons.  An example would be the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska.  The oil "came" from a concentrated underground source, but even though the spill was actually a "low" concentration compared to the original source... animals and plants don't have the capacity to deal with these concentrations.

    Spilling oil is bad, because life on the surface and oceans of our planet are not designed to cope with high concentrations.

  3. i supposed to care!?!??!

  4. Oil is comprised of long buried organic material, subjected to heat and pressure for millions of years, and is the result of the metamorphic reactions that also produce coal and natural gas.

    Is is almost always buried below the water table, and stays separate from it. But if it gets spilled at ground level, it leaches back down into the soil and eventually contaminates the ground water. People can't drink oil. Not good for our health.

  5. It isn't bad for the ground unless you spill it. I lived in southern Illinois where there are thousands of oil wells in the middle of the corn and wheat fields. Some people have them in their yard. They have been there for many years. I see no problem with them from this point of view.

    The bad thing is when we burn it in fuel for cars, power plants, and other processes, it adds CO2 and other pollutants to the air.

  6. It isn't bad for the ground but it is bad for our water supply.  If I remember correctly - one drop of oil can contaminate thousands of gallons of fresh water.

  7. GOD made dinosaurs so they would die and turn into oil.its not bad, GOD made you understand now? ?

  8. oil comes from zebratard milk, when it is mixed with w***e you get oil.

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