
Where does one dispose of single use acupuncture needles?

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I work for an acupuncturist from Korea who just opened a business a few months ago and because his English is very limited it is up to me to find out how and where to dispose of the used needles.




  1. He MUST use a biohazard disposal company, and they will give him the safety disposal plastic boxes to use.  He can lose his license if he doesn't do this.  He should have known this when he registered as an acupuncturist in his state, unless there is no licensing required.  

  2. I have a simple solution for you. I work for the oldest and largest acupuncture supply distributor. We supply biohazard by mail containers. These are federally regulated and have pre-paid postage on them. So all you have to do is fill them and drop the whole box back in the mail. There is a sheet of paperwork attached to the side of the box that you fill out so you have a copy for your records. Easy!

    If you have any questions call us (800)722-8775 or log onto

    By the way if you guys need any other supplies I'm sure we can help you out! :)  

  3. You don't say what state you are in, so I will offer some general advice.

    Acupuncture needles should be disposed of in sharps containers.  There are many styles and sizes from which to choose.  I would suggest you take at these sites for a start.  (you might also call them or the company who sold you the needles to ask about disposal)  

    States vary regarding what must be done with the needles, but generally, they are incinerated.  You will get a certificate stating the needles were destroyed  properly.  This certificate must be kept on file so don't throw it away.  Some states require you to dispose of needles quarterly, even if the bins are not full.

    You could call the company that picks up your trash and ask them about medical waste.  They will be able to refer you to someone.  A company that specializes in biohazard waste is stericycle and they are national.

    If he is licensed, that agency should have rules regarding needle disposal.  By the way, you should know exactly what his credentials are, and whether he is licensed to practice.  

    Finally, regardless of this practitioner's language limitations, he is responsible for his practice and his profession.  Make sure you are not the one handling/touching the used needles, putting yourself into a dangerous situation (needlesticks are serious business) or doing something illegal.  

  4. Lack of English or not, he needs to comply with state health regulations which would require that biohazardous materials such as used needles be disposed of properly in sharps containers. If he doesn't have these already, how is he disposing the needles he's already used?? I'm guessing he's used quite a few in the last few months? I would contact a local medical supply company and go from there. I would also research through your local Health Department to find out what the requirements would be for maintaining the business properly. If your not up to regulation standards and the Health Department makes an inspection you could be shut down. Also, has this acupuncturist checked out if there is any state licensure required to practice? If not, he could be charged with practicing without a license along with being shut down for posing a health risk to the general population.

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