
Where does one draw the line as a poet?

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I was told by a contact that my poems were too painful to read, as a person and friend, I was sorry my words had caused her pain by touching too deeply. Yet as a poet, doesn't that mean the poem was a success to have elicited such an intense response? I'm torn with this issue and would appreciate your perspectives. Thank you.




  1. I am 14 and I  have been told many times by teachers, friends, and family that I have a big nac for writting. I enjoy writting poems. I have people cry over the poems I have written and I know that some way some how it touched them on a personal level. So You are a good writer, you make people feel through your poems. Your friend just wasn't expecting to feel that way after Reading one of your poems. Keep on writting!!

  2. You're ready to publish


  3. In the sand is where I draw my lines.  They are easier to erase there.  LOL

    Sounds like your poetry is wonderful and your friend has a problem with avoiding reality or her feelings.  Be kind, but suggest if it causes her too much pain that she refrain from reading it.  She may need therapy too.  Would you be comfortable in recommending it to her?

  4. I usually draw my line under the title.

    Just kidding of course.

    As far as writing, write whatever it is that you want to write about. If it's something you think might cause somebody grief--don't show it to them, but by all means write.

  5. There is no line, there is no line

    there is

    no line


  6. you have done your part....and are not responsible for others reactions.. or caretaking their emotions..

  7. just because a person feels pain doesn't mean there is a problem with what they were exposed to.  don't worry about it.  be true to your art and follow your artistic inspiration.  if a person can't handle their response to something, then probably you shouldn't share any more of your poems with her.  you can't protect other people from their pain and this was certainly her pain.  

  8. You draw it where you believe it should be drawn and you do not apologize for upsetting other people unless perhaps your poem was a satire that was aimed specifically at an individual.  Poetry should be provocative, intellectually and aesthetically, and also emotionally, otherwise why read it.  It is fine to empathize with your reader if she was upset, and even to try to console her, but there is really no reason to apologize because another person has suffered an injury unless you directly caused it.  Suppose I was riding my bicycle and was hit by a car and badly injured, and that there were witnesses who recoiled in horror.  Would I have to apologize to them? No! I would just have to tend to my wounds and let others tend to theirs...

  9. You don't need to draw the line. It's all about expression.

  10. To paraphrase the Matrix: "There is no line."

    Good poetry touches the reader, who sometimes feels joy and other times feels pain. Poetry is self-expression. You are not responsible if another finds your poetry painful.

    Yes, a poem that elicits emotion is probably a success (unless, perhaps, the emotion is disgust at the way the poem is written).

    EDIT: After I posted the above comment, I see that Buk and I are on the same wavelength.

  11. I read your poem you shared about your father and I thought it was sad because our parents die and good because he shared something from God. A good thought and I believe it helps us to find comfort knowing that God loves us and that when we die we go to God where there is total love. I have not experienced losing a parent so I did not answer it. I think it was good . It must have reminded someone of losing their parent or a loved one. I think it is the sorrow that over whelmed them and not the comfort part. It is a part of life and we have to face it .

  12. Possibly some of the best poetry and lyrics have been composed while the writer was undergoing some emotional turmoil.

    Once she understands this, she will realise the depth and importance.

    And quit apologising! (remember? that's what you once told me!)

  13. As I rarely if ever understand poetry I will not be able to offer an answer that would be valid..sorry Ma

  14. Hey look MA.. If you can get a message across whether it makes a person sad those who read it needed that poem. Its a reminder of what we do and have in our lives. I love poetry and it con fays how the person writing .. so what if it causes pain. Its real life stuff  which we all  need to read and release those tears that are all bottled up.  All of your were a success with me. So dont you quit on the count of some body who thought it painful. She had pain before you wrote it and it somehow made her /him remember. Chin up Ma. U are doing good.

  15. The goal of any artist is to touch the person who is viewing the art.  Sometime subjects are painful.  Who can look at Michaelangelo's Pieta and not feel deep emotion for this mother, her dead son draped on lap?

    There have been many times when reading poetry on this site where I have dissolved into tears, or been made afraid for the author, or collapsed into giggles.  Successes all...they did their job.  I feel more mentally healthy and sure of myself in the past 2 months than I have in the past ten years.

    Every writer and poet on this site may take included.  

  16. There are many types of poetry, everyone doesn't like everything.  I don't think I have read you yet, but I will make a point of doing so and give you a more comprehensive answer.


    I just saw your answer to my question, and if that is a sample, I will definitely enjoy what you write.


  17. I would draw the line at writing my poetry on the walls of the bathroom stalls in the airports or bus station terminals.

    I think your poetry sounds like a real success.  Good luck.  Your friend should just ignore your poetry as it is too real for her to hide behind.

  18. To put it in layman's terms,you hit the button,ma. As you did with me earlier.But it touched me in a different way.I wasn't upset,i was touched.That hit the button as well.She might not realise it straight away,but she might be thankful to you someday.

  19. I don't believe there is a line. Today a friend and I discussed "Poetry Slams" which are events where judges rate a poem and you are disqualified. It all goes very quickly. I don't like poetry slams and never take part in them because we both agreed that poetry is something personal and a reflection of you, or something that has been a part of your life that holds meaning for you. On that basis I don't think we can judge another's work. I very much like your poetry and I am the type of writer who although I can/ do write humor, I usually write in my articles, and my poetry, words that evoke something inside the heart because that who I am.. I think it is very important that we stay true to who we are. I have a writer acquaintance that when she actually lets loose with the feelings, writes fantastic work that people are deeply touched by. "Be you" my friend, that's what poetry is and it's different for each person .I say it all, is a reflection of something inside and it opens a window to our hearts and soul for others to see and feell.. It will therefore  touch each person differently.  

  20.   Your words have touched me. Words are wanting to flow from you and you need to allow that to happen. To stop that flow would be a d**n shame.

    I have read several of your works thru tears, but would never ever ask you to stop.

    There should not be a line just as Buk says. Allow your words to come, Ma. They deserve to be heard!

  21. Now that she has sampled your poetry she will know in the future that it is not for her. She can look elsewhere for other types of Poetry. I agree with Cat. You are ready to be published. Your audience is out there waiting to hear from you. ♥

    Do not feel guilty that your words touched a soul.  

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