
Where does one sign up for the Peace Corpse in Quang Binh?

by Guest60423  |  earlier

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Lying around all day drinking Quang Bang and fanning myself is getting boring. I want to make a difference!




  1. There's more than one way to make a difference, you already made quite an impression on Mr Big (he had you not me, take a note: always take a torche on a first date!). If you insist to persist however, DON'T go over the rickety bridge, its a booby trap set by Hannible the Canibal.

    Return to town, sit in the Hotel(hic) lounge reading your copy of 'Lonely Planet : How to Make Friends'.  Under no circumstances put the book down, this would be taken as sign of submission and you'll be in for another night with Mr Big.   Eventually you will be met by a man who you will know only as 'Al', you will recognise him because he will be dressed only in green.  He will speak to you at length, but this is a test of your endurance so don't listen and under no circumstances ask any questions.  However, he will at some point mention herrings.  At this point he will get up and leave, DO NOT follow him as he is not to be trusted.

    Keep drinking, but not the water, and watching the door.   You will soon see an old man with long hair swank past in the middle of the road (yes luv, swank!).  You must leap up and shout out 'I love you Sir Bob'. (don't worry he is far too old to care).  If he looks round and gives you a wrinkly smile get up and follow him.

    You will eventually end up at an old colonial building, follow him inside and wait.  When a man emerges wearing only a pineapple, say nothing, but accept his offer of a Pina Colada and drink it eagerly.  He will ask you but one question.  This is your only chance of admission and  keeping your ID secure.

    He will say ' Is Warm, Sweet and Stickie a contact of yours?'

    Your answer is 'No, but I will make him so now so that if he ever asks a sensible question I will be able to answer it'.

    IMMED|IATELY remove your laptop from your rucksac and invite him.  His reply will grant you one limitted wish.

    If you desire has not shifted, simply utter ' hec yea I'm for the Corpse,  dammit.'

    Three armed men will then grab you from behind and you will be trained as a land mine detector.

  2. The Peace Corpse is right near the National Gourd...

  3. There's a booth at either of the Starbucks in the mall.

  4. Peace Corpse? Isn't that the name of that new meat-on-a-stick joint behind the brothel? C'mon, I'm buying.

  5. At the Final Rest Inn. But beware. To show that you really want to join, They'll ask for a donation. One right foot.

  6. *chuckle*  

    Loboe's gonna love this one.

  7. there is a person name." Crem of sum youn guy" , he will take care of you....He lives by the pier

  8. Follow the stench of rotted meat down by the riverside.  

    You'll have to cross a rickety bridge so don't wear heels.

  9. They have a need for English teachers and businesspeople who can help them manage a Skittles-based economy.

  10. Sober up, woman! That is just crazy talk!

  11. Guido just watched Sweeney Todd last night and suggests that you make the worst pies in Quang Binh.

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