
Where does paranormal powers come from?

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Do they come from God? And is it possible to get them without turning evil? Because i will NOT turn evil or get possessed just so i can have paranormal powers!!




  1. they migth come from god mine are just from the family i just inherited it. lol

  2. I believe in this sorta thing and i think we all have an ability to sense something that gives off a large energy you just have to know how to do it. So maybe you need to learn how to interprut that energy. I dont think it is an Evil thing if it is comforting someone if someone has past away or if you are helping someone pass on a messege that they wouldnt while alive in this life past. You dont get possessed you get messeges from souls that are in the same presense of yourself. hope that helps

  3. this is a sit u straight u up

  4. Ok, I am glad you do not want to turn evil. Humans can not possess paranormal powers. Psychics and mediums are all either conmen or self deluded. This stands to reason as Satan is the king of lies.

    According to the Bible, if someone is speaking for God, they will be 100% correct in everything they say. With prayer, a Christian can ask God to use his powers. Prayer can be more powerful than any witchcraft, ouijaboard, or medium.

    By the way, the Bible also states that Mediums, Deviners, and Astrologers are sinners and these activities are forbidden in the eyes of God.

    Jesus said, he who believes in me and upholds the 10 commandments will acheive eternal life in heaven.

    Paul said, no man is guiltless, and we all need the gift that Jesus gave us when he died on the cross to take away our sins.

  5. Mostly they are your own natual human ability and it is merely understanding what goes on around you.

    You might want to do a bit -- rather a lot -- of reading/research before you think about getting "paranormal powers" because if you don't know what you're doing; you ARE likely to turn evil and/or get is not a game.

  6. they surely don't sell them in the supermarket or e-bay

  7. 100% from the imagination of delusional people OR from the fraudulent pretensions of crooks.

    Oh, and there is no god either.

  8. You can get them if you believe in a higher being or if you stay in the bermuda TRAPIZOID.

  9. Given that even the existence of paranormal abilities has not been clearly documented, any speculation as to their origin would be largely meaningless.

    That said, any abilities shown to exist would most likely stem from previously undetected (or perhaps emergent) neurological capabilities.  Of course, once the origin is figured out it isn't technically 'paranormal' any more.

  10. Be careful about saying you won;t do certian things because God, the higher powers, the universe, whatever jas a way of making you eat you words.

    Everyone jas the potential for some paranormal powers within them. It is all part of being human.

    If you want paranormal powers; spend time in meditation, and your will develop some of those powers just because the mind is bored.

    Then there are others like me that had those powers manifest during childhood.

  11. I assume you have paranormal powers?I believe they come from God.God is Good!The spirits are too.

  12. From the imagination. They aren't real. Nobody yet has succeeded in demonstrating any kind of paranormal power to date. This hasn't stopped some people from claiming paranormal powers, and certainly some people are self-deceived enough to actually think they have them. But all are utter failures when it comes time to show their paranormal skills. They have none.

  13. They come from the overactive imaginations of very gullible people.

  14. All that is good come's from God.All that is evil come's from the devil.We need to believe in ourselve's & find our own self worth & not go looking to be different by getting some kind of power.If lust after power you are only seaching for thing's that glorify yourself which in turn will open yourself up to attack's from the enemy which is the devil.Look out for what you wish for because you might find yourself walking in the wrong direction.The devil has lost the battle.He is only trying to take the loved one's from God.You where created to lve God & be loved by God.Pick up a NIV bible & read a little at a time.You will be amazed at all the questions you have had thru your life that will have anserw's.All good thing's come from above.{GOD}

  15. Sorry, there's no such thing.  Just a lot of lying and deluded people.  Know one has paranormal powers.  If they did, they could win a million bucks from this guy (, win the Nobel Prize, and open up a whole new field of science.  But they haven't, because they can't - no one has paranormal powers.

  16. Paranormal powers are all around you.They are what makes you who you are.Everyone has them most just choose not to admit it or welcome them because of religious belifes or fear of the unknown. Just knowing who is calling when your no where near your phone is one,or knowing something is wrong before you find out for sure.  The powers are not evil you make them that way by willing something bad to happen.Hope I helped you out some.

                                                                  Blessed Be

  17. You cannot posses paranormal powers.It has to come from you.Unless you are possessed or there are incarnates of spirits...But I would be very careful with that,and not be an open channel. you have to protect yourself...

  18. i think they come from the toaster

  19. You mean like, psycic powers and stuff?  Well...okay.  You see, God can give you powers sometimes, but they are very rare.  It's possible to preform miracles through the power of God, but you'd have to get to know him very well.  But, magic and psycic powers, are not from God.  Are they evil?  There are some natural ablities that people have that are not evil.  Psycic and magical powers, despite what some think, are not natural.  They are evil, even when used for good.  They will turn back on you.  My mother, before becoming Christian, practiced white magic.  It's not pretty, even when you think they're not harming anyone, internally they are.  After becoming Christain, she went on missions, purging demons from the possessed.  They had unusual powers.  I've seen it too, but not as severe as she.  Sometimes they can walk on walls, bend and stretch abnormally, summon other demons, and a lot of other scary things.  So...yeah...that's it.  Oh, and Christians can't be possessed...they can be oppressed.  And if you do get powers form God, they are much more powerful than magic.

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