
Where does socialization take place? How does it work?

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Where does socialization take place? How does it work?




  1. Socialising - ie mixing with other people, and understanding our culture - works from the time our children are babies, as they learn to interact with the world.  Homeschoolers learn all the good parts of socialising - how to mix with people of all ages, how to behave in shops or restaurants, how to get along with young and old, just naturally.  This is how people have learned to socialise for centuries - it just happens because humans are social creatures.

    But 'socialization' - indoctrinating people to think in a certain way, encouraging peer pressure, bullying the weak - no thankyou.  That goes on in schools and has to be un-learned when people finally get out into the world.

  2. Socialization takes place in your community during the early days of life.

    It is the process in which people learn the skills, knowledge, values, motives, and culture of the groups to which you are raised into.

  3. Every where.

    It is a natural process.

  4. If you ask school advocates, they will tell you that socialization only takes place within a classroom setting, among children of approximately your age and ability.

    In truth, socialization starts at the moment of birth and continues throughout life...and is most successful when a child has many different opportunities to learn about different people in many settings.

  5. Socialization takes place everywhere and all the time. We all are exposed to the society and the interaction between us and society is what socialization is. We all become socialized. School is a relatively new form of socialization.

  6. Well, if you're talking about home schooling, it can take place at the mall, community pool/park, sports, camps, and plenty more. Just find a place where you know there will be loads of kids or people your age.

  7. Socialization takes place anytime you are interacting with others.  We learn how to act and treat others by observing and imitating those around us.  In a home environment, parents are the one teaching their children how to conduct themselves.

    As a child interacts with the community through activities, field trips, errands, church, etc., he or she learns patterns of behavior for fitting into society.

    Here is some information about homeschooling and socialization:

    Hope this helps!

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