
Where does the President of the U.S. get the power to make executive decisions?

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I couldn't find it anywhere in the constitution, so if is there, please tell me the article and section. If it comes from elsewhere, please state the resource if you know it.




  1. Article 2, Section 1

    The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.

    That language is pretty broad. It is obviously a matter of interpretation, which is why we have a Supreme Court to decide the limits and extent of executive power. It's their job to interpret the Constitution.

  2. That's what we pay him for, to make executive decisions.

  3. Article II, Section 1 begins, "The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States." The rest of Article II deals with the presidency, including his powers.

  4. I think you mean executive orders. And frankly, I would like to know that myself.

  5. Same place the Judicial part is making  legislative decisions. Look at the votes on g*y marriage the courts threw out the will of the people and opposed their own.That is legislating from the bench. How many on the left went after those judges, not on the grounds of not agreeing with the decisions, but on the grounds that their is no authority given to the judicial system to over step their boundaries?By the way Clinton used executive privilege? were  you upset?

  6. Article 2 is specific to the Executive Branch or President.

    However, keep in mind that the Constitution was created to be a bit vague.  Many of the powers of the President are implied, so you won't find anything that spells out exactly what power the president has over Congress.

    In the history of the Presidency, the powers of the President have been challenged by Congress, and many times the Supreme Court intervenes to decide in order to balance the two out.

  7. Article 2 section 2

    read the constitution don't skim. That's what most people do..... skim. You should really learn it, it is the true manual for life, not the bible.  

  8. Actually, it's article 2, section 1:

    "The Executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America..."

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