
Where does the Queen and her family get there money from because?

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they dont work they just seem to be visiting places all the time and wasting money and enjoying them selfs while us lot here are slaving away in jobs we dont like just to keep going...




  1. The Queen and her family are paid a wage from the Government, their income also comes from land and businesses they own and the duties they perform in other countries bring s much finance to our country.The duties The royals perform far outweigh the money they are paid and help our economy greatly, plus good relationships with other countries we do business with , all good for the Economy considering you think they dont work.

  2. From mugs like me and all of the castles and land and houses and paintings and works of art that we are "letting them look after" If you tried to go and see one of YOUR paintings you would be arrested. I think Headcases on Sunday nights ITV has william and Harry spot on, trying their best to be ordinary but still ordering pheasant on pizzas.


  3. I don't have anything against the royal family as such, as I would rather have a royal family than anything else as head of state, but it makes me sick how they have butlers and servants to answer to their every whim while we have to pay tax to them. Then again, I don't like paying for single mothers with loads of kids by different men.

  4. The Queen and any other members of the Royal Famiy who are entitled to a Salary, recieve it from the Government, who gets it from the taxpayer.

    Out of this, the Queen pays for the staff she employs, butlers, chefs, cleaners, gardeners, office staff  etc. She also performs about 500 duties a year on behalf of the people of this country. She is also 80 years of age., and pays Income tax on her earnings from all sources.

  5. They leech on public taxes..

  6. most of the money comes from crown the church.........and at least we know how the queen lives ......look at Communism and how the workers lived as opposed to the may be nice to be royal for a day but I wouldn't want to be her 24/7 she has to be gracious to every one she meets...........

  7. did you know the queen can drive without a drivers licence, so that's a few quid saved

  8. i couldn't have said it better than geo get rid of all the corrupt and greedy politicians who are bleeding this country dry.

  9. Partly Tax payers money, the rest comes from private businesses and their privately owned estates. The tax payers money pays more for things like political visits and other work associated things.

    I know people moan about the amount they have but I think those in line for the throne live a horrible life being chased by the press etc. They live in such a brilliant country but they cant ever just wonder down a street and experience it.

    Most presidents claim more of their tax payers money our royal family,among all the world leaders our royal family receives one of the lowest percentages of tax and the amount of money they claim is going down.

  10. Because they are the Royal Family. They inherit their wealth and the majority of the royals do work and earn their keep

  11. She gets some from tax payers (though less than other monarchies), some from her estates, some from tours (the tour of Buckingham was started to raise money to restore Windsor Castle after the fire there).  Also, the Queen and her husband are the only ones who get money directly from the government.  the rest must find another source of income.  Also, the Queen Mother was paid for by the tax payers until she died.

  12. from the british tax payer

  13. The queen is a symbol of our country. We Brittish ran the entire world before the Americans, we invented allsorts of things form steamengine's to the TV. For a tiny country we are one of the most advanced in the world. We the 4th richest country in the world.

    The whole royalty thing has been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years. I'm all for it, I know they don't go out and get their hands dirty, but these people are born into it and are just people of circumstance.

    I understand your veiws scarlet, but you should be proud to be part of a great nation with a great historey.

    For queen and country I swear my oath.

    God save the Queen.

    Geo x

  14. In the United Kingdom the Civil List is the sum that covers most expenses associated with the Sovereign performing of his or her state duties, including those for staffing, state visits, public engagements, official entertainment, and upkeep of the Royal Households.

    Formerly, the monarch met all official expenses from hereditary revenues, including the profits of the Crown Estate and the Royal Mail. It was created in 1660, but during 1760 the new King, George III, agreed to surrender the hereditary revenues of the Crown in exchange for the Civil List, funded by taxation.

    In other words, the British monarch agreed to give up their traditional holdings and rights on certain large properties, forests, lands, foreshores which they can legally claims profits from in return for "civil payments", which are collected through taxes.

    Note: The Queen's personal fortune is estimated at around US$500 million (£280 million) through her personal inheritance. The Queen also technically owns the Crown Estate with holdings of £6 billion; however, the income of this is transferred to the Treasury in return for the civil list payments.

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