
Where does the art of cane fighting originate?

by Guest60442  |  earlier

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Im signed up in a martial arts academy and im learning how to use the cane as a weapon.




  1. i am not really sure if its a different art or different kind of martial arts your taking, but if your talking about cane or sticks. i think what you mean is "Arnis" it is a Filipino term. and yes of course it originates in the Philippines.

    it is a martial arts that uses cane/sticks as weapon in self defense.

  2. if it's a walking cane than the origins are most probably european.  cane fighting was developed by the european gentry during the 16-1700's in order to use the walking cane as a weapon.  later on these techniques were integrated in Savate.

  3. At one time it was a requirement in SAVATE  for an instructors certificate now it is a seperate art .It's techniques have been incorparated into the 3 ft baton by FRENCH riot police.

    The straight cane rather than the hook cane is preferred.

  4. on the coast of coocamanga

  5. from the first caveman who picked up a heavy branch to clobber that tasty looking deer that was roaming past.

  6. Cane techniques are ANCIENT!!

    Going back into ancient China, the Japanese Jo and the shepherds of the Bible (Psalm 23 -- "Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me" because they are used as weapons to protect the flock.)

    I personally practice a Taiji Walking Stick technique that comes out of the remotes of China. I prefer an "L" cane or a cane with a "market handle." (Photos of a market handle are available on the Walking Sick Combat group cited below.)

    In 1912 A.C. Cunningham (a Civil Engineer in the US Navy Dept.) published a book called.

    The Cane As A Weapon.

    In the early 1920's H.G. Lang (a police officer working in India) published a book called:

    The "WALKING STICK" Method of Self Defense

    Modern European techniques are usually traced to Prof. Pierre Vigny (Swiss) whose techniques were incorporated into Bartitsu and evolved into the French style La Canne.

    Pierre Vigny wrote a number of articles in magazines circa 1900-1910.

    Some of the major researchers/writers who have brought a lot of this information within the reach of the general public today are:

    Tony Wolf

    Kirk Lawson

    Craig Gemeiner

    Ralph Grasso

    Brian Jones

    Nathaniel Bechanan

    Jon Dye

    Perry Gamsby

    Jake Verwey

    BTW: If you are learning The Cane Masters System, it is not held in very high esteem in the "Walking Stick Combat" group cited below.


  7. probably kids that weren't old enoough for the parents to let them use swords yet and had to practice with wood

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