
Where does the boundary line beyond which repetition becomes stereotyped?

by Guest64047  |  earlier

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even the repetition of happiness?




  1. when the original thing that caused the repetition has changed, therefore making the repetiton wrong, and a stereotype.

    or, when everyone or almost everyone believes something about something else, apart from religion.

  2. Gog and Mag-Gog

  3. the expectations of your actions by you or by others. i think that defines the boundary that separates repetition and stereotype.

  4. Stereotyping is just a line others draw, over what they read between lines of repetition.


    Stereotyping is just a line others draw, over what they read between lines of repetition.

  5. thee is no standardized formula for this.

  6. There's nothing really wrong with repetition -in fact some types of repetition are necessary to avoid utter chaos. However, when someone perceives this repetetive pattern as limiting it then becomes a stereotype (which may or may not be accurate).

  7. That's a matter of individual evaluation of marginal utility.

    Some aspects may not have an upper limit, others are not only stereotyped, but noissome after a few runs. The perspective rules again. Since you are so sensuously complex, kind of an electronic Marylin Monroe, you might enjoy reading up on "ichinen sanzen." Few others could handle it.

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