
Where does the common phrase Can't put humpty dumpty back together again Come from?

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What is the moral of the story and what is it actually talking about? What is the story behind the rhyme?




  1. That in some cases once bad things have happened you cant change them no matter how hard you try

  2. Don't sit on tall walls if you are a giant egg??

  3. As we know its a rhyme but if analise it we learn what is gone can not come back time is precious spend it well why cry over split

    milk? Cannot repair what cannot be repaired

  4. Okay; humpty dumpty is not a cautionary tale, it was originally written as a riddle - it has no moral, it is simply a riddle, the answer to which is 'an egg'.

    The phrase 'humpty-dumpty' comes from an early 1800's expression for a person who is short and clumsy (also an earlier usage meant 'brandy boiled with ale' like an old english cocktail :/)

      There are references throughout English literature and only after Carroll used it as a device to explain semantics and pragmatics in 'Through the Looking Glass' did it become considered to have any 'value' in terms of meaning.

    riddle me this.



  5. if your big and is not  careful then don't sit in tall places

  6. who cares

    humpty was pushed!

  7. The moral is: Don't fall from high places.

    It's talking about foolish people who do foolish things.

    It's a simple cautionary tale.

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