
Where does the expression, getting the sack come from?

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Where does the expression, getting the sack come from?




  1. From when doctors used to 'slip up' when giving men vascetomy's....hence 'getting the sack'.



  3. Santa Claus gets the sack every Christmas. LOL!!!

    Pretty lame eh!!

    Years ago, tradesmen used to move from job to job carrying their tools in a sack, which they gave to their employer for safe-keeping.

    When they left they were given the sack back,and thats how the phrase originated.

  4. It came from when tradesmen carried their tools in bags or sacks. To get the sack meant that you had to pack up your tools and leave the job. Other trades had similar but very different terms. My Unk told me once that in the shipyard in the trade he worked to get dismissed was to 'fling your gloves'

  5. Do you mean "getting in the sack" or "getting sacked"?

  6. Its means your fired, does it really matter where the term comes from. OMG.

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