
Where does the hate between cats and dogs come from???

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I mean its pathological, but what the h**l started this "war" ???




  1. lol there ike humans its all one big game

  2. the dogs want to be boss

    the cats want to be boss

    but have you seen how dogs chase cats up the trees but the cats claw them

    i think dogs have a weak spot because dogs like to fight each other and cats just get along

  3. I used to walk my sister's German Shepard and when we would meet a stray cat in the park the dog would back away when the cat was facing it but if the cat would run the (idiot cuz i had to chase it) dog would run after it

  4. g

  5. Cats by nature don't trust any other animals. Any creature approaching them they view as a threat. In addition, Cats are solitary animals. They don't seek the company not even of their own kind. But you can force cats to live together and they will tolerate each other.

    Dogs by nature are curious animals. Any creature they see they view as a curiousity. What they view can fall into different catogories. Can I play with it? Its in my territory, who is it? Is it a threat to my family that I protect?

    A dog will approach the cat to investigate, the cat will run and the dog thinks its play time. But then it gets ugly as soon as the cat, feeling threaten, scratches the dog. Now you got a fight.

  6. misunderstood signals from cats to dogs and dogs to cats. Its body lanuage. for example when a cat moves his tail from side to side its because its very upset but when  a dog does it, the dog is happy. When a dog sniffs another dogs backside its a way of saying hello and who are you but if a dog did that to a cat it would upset the cat and the cat moves his tail from side to side and the dog thinks the cat is friendly and goes to get closer and then gets his face clawed and the dog chaises the cat.

    Also the cat will want to be the boss and try to dominate the dog. I hope that answers your question.

  7. what about blacks and whites or g**s and straights just is sadly

  8. B1uecee is right - most of the conflicts between cats and dogs are the result of misunderstanding. If a dog approaches a cat in curiosity, wagging its tail - a sign of friendly greeting in dogs - the cat will feel threatened, since cats lash their tails when angry. The cat will flatten its ears, keep its tail down and raise a paw, which are signs of warning - the cat is saying: "Don't come any closer, or I will defend myself." To a dog, flattened ears and lowered tail are signs of submission, and a raised paw is a friendly gesture - the dog is therefore encouraged to approach. The cat, then convinced it is about to be attacked, will lash out, provoking the dog to do likewise.

    Incidentally, cats and dogs can overcome these differences and live together quite happily, especially if they are raised together. Many people have both cats and dogs as pets and they get along fine.

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