
Where does the phrase of the chosen people originate?

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Where does the phrase of the chosen people originate?




  1. It's definitely in the Old Testament, the children of Israel, the children of God, that's who it was referring to then. But don't know if it was around before that time or not. 3-6000 years ago.

    Chosen you:-Deuteronomy Ch 7:6.

    Here's a few scriptures from the New Testament 1 Peter 1:20 and 2:9. Mathew 22:14

    Chosen ones: Dt 7:6, Psalms 4:3.

    Chosen Instruments: Haggai: 2:23, John: 15:16, Acts: 9:15.

    There are more, but I don't want to go on to much.

    There may have been other tribes or peoples, who also used the phrase "chosen people", but it would have had a different meaning to them.

  2. This question has been posted several times and all the replies give reference to passages in the Bible. The word CHOSEN is implied and is vulnerable to miss-interpretations. Perhaps you are looking for something more direct and that must be from a Bible Story of when the people of Israel where preparing for battle and God told the leadership to select from the warriors who drank water from their cupped hands rather than the ones who drank with their mouths to the water. It is a gross injustice to say that one tribe of people are favored by God. The arrogance's portrayed by biblical scholars reflect ones man point of view. God favors those who achieve, whether it be on the field of battle or the work of intelligent logic. Achievement is rewarded and it is not gifted. To be chosen is to be recognized as an achiever. This is DOGMA.

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