
Where does the slender gene come from? geographically?

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I'm just wondering if theres a right answer. I was thinking probably not hot climates cause you need more energy to burn but then cold climates don't you need more body fat to survive?.. I have this gene my parents are eastern european/ native american/irish/french

Anyone know a good book on body types and origins?




  1. I think the slender/thin gene comes from places like Africa, Australia, some Native American tribes, and yes, hot climate would cause thinner people just as colder climates have chunkier people.

  2. I read that all the fat cells that one will ever have in one's life, are produced while one is still a baby. So, if babies get fattened up too much, the result could be a fat adult...

    Humans are naturally slender, so it's not limited to any geographic location...

  3. Interesting question and would be interesting research to read if it was ever done. Though I have my doubt it's specific to any single area or climate.

    Although I actually think hot climates, if genetic, would be more prone to thin people since less body mass would equal less sun exposure, and the need for less fat in order to stay cool.

  4. Ethiopia

  5. peternal that is rubbish, along with everyone else.  Why do people just make stuff up and figure it's science?

    The "slender gene" is found in all ethnic groups, regardless of climate and environment.  There are plenty of naturally skinny Scandinavians and plenty of naturally fat equatorial Africans.

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