
Where does the stereotypical Witch image come from...

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the horrible old woman with warts and a huge nose, who rides a broomstick.




  1. Actually the stereotype of the green-faced witch with the crooked nose stems from the so-called "burning times" or the Inquisition.

    Women were persecuted and beaten severely and tortured to "confess" to  witchcraft before being burned, hanged or beheaded. These women were paraded through the town before execution and looked frightful due to the beatings and torture. Their faces were that lovely shade of green from the bruises, their noses and teeth were usually broken, among other things. This is the last sight people saw of the accused and "convicted" witch before her death.

    It's amazing the cruelty of which people are capable. All in the name of religion...

  2. I think it has to do with evil, most villians usually have ugly traits such as scars, warts, bad skin, where as heros are usually portrayed at beautiful, not so much anymore but usually. Witches power usually consists of black magic which is known by many as evil, hence why many made them out to be so scary. However some stories portray witches beautiful creatures to seduce men, then return to there ugly selves once the deed it done, or if they run out of some magic staff, or potion. It varies in every story though. :3  

  3. It comes from the Catholic church. As it sought to destroy the pagan religion of the Celts and the diminish the power of a female centered society. It took the crone figure who was the village wise woman, healer and midwife and accused her of having consorted with the devil.  The church did not believe in education for woman and were threatened by the knowledge and power these wise women had.

    They created of the stereotype of the old woman who lives alone, often with cats and other animals and flying on her broomstick

  4. Childrens fairytales?

    Old scary tales from around the campfire?

    Not sure.


  5. I think the broomstick is at least as old as the "Malleus Maleficarum", a medieval book about the dangers of witches, by two theologians called Sprenger and Kramer published in Germany at the end of the century, which was the most influential book about witches, witchcraft, how to detect and how to combat it.

    The hag image is much older, the ancient Great Goddess had 3 aspects, the Maiden who invented and created and helped people with the hunting, the Mother who nourished all, and the Hag who led all living beings to her underground abode after death.

    The Hag was also the patroness of magicians, the source of all magic, so her image was kept in the collective subconscious for millenia, and in the Grimms' fairy tales the figure called "the witch" is always an old woman. Other female magicians are "the evil queen", but beautiful witches never seem to have caught the imagination like the hag-like ones.

    It might be of interest that the German witches have warts and huge hooked noses as well, but they are wearing colourful triangular kerchiefs instead of black pointy hats.

  6. Disney.

  7. I'm not sure, but I blame the monotheistic God-focused religions.  

  8. Christian propaganda

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