
Where does the waste food from restaurants go?

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Someone once told me its given to pigs.




  1. tenshine is right.

  2. hopefully it goes in the grabage

  3. It may be donated to a local homeless shelter.

  4. Very Good question. I always wonder that... I am not sure about restaurants but I do know the grocery stores are required to throw away outdated food ...They are NOT allowed to give it away to the poor or take it home..If they get caught they are fired. I think that is terrible at least for many items that are still ok and just labled that way for sale . I think they should give it to the poor that really NEED food ..and than the jails ...Why should people in jail have more food and better food than the poor .....That is one of my pet peeves...WASTE!

  5. To the dump!

    and also...

    Who put that goat in there?

    The yellow goat I aaaate!

  6. In the trash, some they give it away, but the majority thrown in the bin.

  7. If you mean food left on a plate, it sometimes go to animal feed; otherwise landfill.

    If you mean food left at the end of the day, a lot of it goes to the employees or to a local food bank or homeless shelter.

  8. the bin

  9. its thrown away. There is a guy I work with (I'm a server) and when he takes away plates from his tables he usually eats their left over food. It's totally disgusting. So some of the wasted food at restaurants gets eaten by hungry servers...yuck

  10. Hopefully you're talking about in the US, because otherwise I have no clue ^__^ I've just realized I've been assuming most peoples' questions are US-related, and answering about ethnocentric!

    Mostly waste food gets thrown away.  It really sucks because it seems like it would be a simple matter to give it away to people who really need it...Unfortunately, because of the way the law in the US is, if you give food away and it makes somebody sick, it is the responsibility of the restaurant, and they can get in HUGE trouble.  Someone could sue, or the health department can get involved.

    We have pretty strict regulations when it comes to food handling and preparation, so no one wants to take a chance on giving food away when it might be deemed spoiled.

    There was a kid in Florida who recently got the legislators to pass new laws that protect restaurants more so they can give the food away without fear of reprisal.  It's a good idea, if you think about just how much food goes into the trash everyday.

  11. It may be grotesque to hear but over here, left over food are piled up in huge cylindrical container before sending them off to pig farm.

  12. at the trash can

  13. thae trash can or if the waitstaff knows someone is in need of eating immetiately

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