
Where does the waste from or house go?

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Is there a different tube or does it just flows right to the river.

i think it goes directly to the cleaning plant through a different tube. but i am not sure. (i am talking about the toilet stuff)




  1. In UK all waste goes to the sewer and then the treatment plant.  Rain water from roof gutters and roadways goes to the rivers which is why you should never run anything into these drains.

  2. Your home has a main drainpipe that all waste from sinks and toilets goes into. From there it is attached to the City sewer line. This goes to the Sewage Plant where it is cleaned. Depending on your area, most drinking water comes from local lakes or rivers and it treated for human usage.

  3. Well if you live somewhere where you have city water it all goes to the water treatment plant, if you live out in the country than you probably have a septic tank.

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