
Where does this mentality come from?

by Guest56309  |  earlier

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Concerning an 8 year old playing guitar in bars and taverns, as reported on Yahoo -

"Jennifer Ortiz of the state Equal Rights Division said her agency has a responsibility to enforce the law once it becomes aware of a violation.

"Well, the law prohibits it, and the Legislature enacted the laws to protect the health, safety and welfare of all children."

Where do people get the mentality that because there is a law, it has to be enforced, rather than using their heads? Why can't people be left alone?




  1. Maybe because a bar and tavern isn't necessarilly the safest place for an 8 year old to be. There are many other places where an 8 year old can play guitar and they should not be in bars.  

  2. The mentality comes from "small p***s syndrome".  (And for the females "non-orgasmic frustration.")  Some of these people enforce petty laws that are easy targets, but don't do anything about serious problems.

  3. I was in the bar at age 5 playing pool.

  4. Because when people are left alone, they do stupid sh*t like bringing their 8 year olds to bars.  An 8 year old has no business being in a bar, regardless of what he or she is there for.

  5. Laws are laws.

    Laws need to be enforced.

  6. I wouldn't want my eight year old in that environment.  

    There are other places that the boy can play.  Why a bar?

  7. it is not right for a 8 year old to be "working" in a bar tavern or anywhere really.

    Laws are there to protect all citizens, if you think its wrong take it up with your politican - they can change the law

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