
Where does west ends and east begins?

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I know this seems like a dumb question but in my new book with the world atlas, it states that east starts at iceland???

Give me your source please




  1. For navigation and time calculation a line had to be drawn somewhere and therefore international convention agreed that a Longitudinal line which passed through Greenwich, England would be such a point.

    With the above in mind the Prime meridian is where East meets West. From a geographical point of view you could say that it is the Eastern edge of Europe.

  2. Easy -  

    It's the Greenwich Meridian

    Zero degrees longitude.

  3. that book you have is not so way east can start with Iceland......maybe a 1000 miles EAST of Iceland...

    There's two things to consider.

    If you look at it STRICTLY geographically, this map :

    and this link:

    If you look at it geopolitically, the term "Western World", refers to the Americas+Western Europe+Australia+New Zealand+South-Africa

    Check map:

    and link:

    P.S. rate my answer, please......

  4. Logically, West and East don't really have a boundary line because it is relative to the position of something. If you want to look at it geographically, though, the international date line is the boundary between West and East. The international date line is just West of Alaska and just East of Russia and runs in a roughly straight line from pole to pole.

    Follow this URL to a picture of the date line (courtesy of Wikipedia):

  5. Techinally West and East never end because its purely relative to where you are. Its like saying where do right and left end?

    If you want to be technical, on a world map, West and East will converge at the international date line. But they wont end.

  6. Greenwich Meridian, unless you're French in which case they have their own one, what a suprise, running through Paris.

  7. from GMT London England towards America it is considered as west and towards Asia it is considered as east

  8. The international date line is NOT it.  The IDL zigzags around.

    "West" longitudes start at the prime (zero) meridian, which goes through Greenwich England.  They start at 0, and continue to the Americas and on to 180 W in the Pacific Ocean.  "East" longitudes go the other way, to 180 E.  Longitude 180 W is the same as 180 E.

  9. Head-bashed-in -Buffalow-Jump, which is a town in Canada

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