
Where does your baby take his/her naps?

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Does your baby take naps in his/her crib? (The same place he sleeps)? Or do you believe that they should have two different places to sleep and take a nap so they know the difference?

My daughter takes her naps and sleeps in her crib. My husband thinks that she should nap in her playpen and sleep in her crib so that she knows the difference between a nap and sleep.

This is a constant argument- what are your opinions??




  1. I think they should sleep in a consistent spot, whether it's a nap or nighttime sleep.  The crib will become one of her cues that it's time  to sleep, and it's easier if its the same cue.  Why does she need to know the difference between a nap and bedtime?  By now, her internal clock is likely already set to day and night anyway.

    According to the "No Cry Sleep Solution", you should have a similar nap routine as your bed routine, but shorter.

  2. I think wherever your baby is comfortable and will sleep is the best place, whether or not it's the same place they sleep at night.  

    My daughter sleeps in her crib at night, but has always refused to nap in there during the day.  She just recently (at almost 13 months) started taking real naps.  When she was younger she would just take little cat naps here and there in her bouncy chair or swing.  Now she either naps in our bed with me (where she also sleeps at night sometimes if she's having a bad night) or I make a "nest" as we call it on the floor for her.  I will put lots of soft cuddly blankets and then surround them with pillows on the floor (for safety reasons) and I will lay down with her for a little while until she falls asleep.  She sleeps so good in the her nest, sometimes up to 2 hours at a time so I can actually get a few things cleaned around the house :)  I say whatever works for you!

  3. My son usually naps in his crib unless he falls asleep in his swing.I just leave him until he wakes up if he falls asleep in it.If we are out & about he naps either in his car seat,carrier or on mommy or daddy.

  4. At home - Emma naps in her crib

    At babysitters - Emma naps in playpen in bedroom

    Out - Emma naps belly to belly.

  5. I put my son in the crib for naps.  Sleep is sleep.  He already knows the difference between naps and night jammies, no tubby time, daylight, etc...

    Only if my son was having sleep issues would I consider putting him separate places.  

  6. my baby is 3 months old.. shes not reely on a strict NAP schedual.. she kind of just catnaps all day long so i just left her sleep where ever she falls asleep(in swing or vibrating chair or couch)

  7. I put my baby to sleep in her crib no matter it be a nap or bedtime she or he needs to know that that is where he or she sleeps its kind of confusing to a baby to keep switching it up he or she needs to know that that is his bed nowhere else! Just my opinion.

  8. Hi there. My daughter takes her naps in her cribs (unless we're out and about). When she was really little we put her in her bouncy chair with the vibration thing on because she liked that a lot. I was worried that she wouldn't like her crib because it wasn't upright and didn't vibrate but she got used to it.

    I agree with you; a baby should nap in the crib. You'll confuse a baby the other way. My baby easily distinguishes between nighttime and naptime. She just sleeps way longer at night and naps shorter during the day. Her room is a bit lighter during the day because of the sun too so that could be why she just naps. Which is fine with me. We have room darkening shades (with silver lining on the back to block out most of the sun).

    What I also do for naps is partially raise the shades just to get a little bit more light in there. But either way it's always lighter in there at nap because of the sun.

  9. Why on earth does a baby need two different places to sleep? I disagree with your husband. Your baby should be put down for a nap in her crib. When they're that young, they don't really grasp the difference between a nap and night sleep. Babies will nap when they're tired and cranky. If your baby has a regular schedule, the fact that you put her in the crib for a nap is NOT going to make her think it's bedtime, and she'll nap. When you take a nap, do you avoid your bed because you're afraid you won't know the difference between nap time and bedtime? C'mon. Put your baby in her comfy crib for a nap. If you feel she's napping too long during the day, simply wake her when you feel she's had enough of a nap. Your husband is being unreasonable and illogical.

  10. im ttc but i was always told that it should be the same place so they know when its settle down time. and eg there cot sheets and teddies are familiar as to when the sleep during night

  11. when my daughter was younger, I would put her down to nap wherever she fell asleep or the closest place...usually a little lounging seat I had for her or her bassinett which was downstairs.  As she got older and more disturbed by noises, I put her upstairs in her crib so I could get things done while she slept.  Now she only sleeps in her crib and she's fine with it.

  12. i think the crib it's like when you want a nap you go to your bed not the couch right  

  13. My baby is kind of gassy, so she likes being more upright.  For naps, I will put her in her bouncy chair or laying in the Boppy next to me (never unsupervised!).  I may also put her in her crib, but she sleeps longer when she's upright.  She sleeps the longest belly to belly, but then I can't get anything done!!

    At night, she sleeps in her crib.  I honestly don't think she knows or cares.  But, then again, she's only 3 weeks old.  She sleeps all the time.

  14. Well, since I co-sleep I don't have her nap in my bed. I don't have her crib set up anymore. So, she either naps in her playpen or one of us lays in bed with her while she naps.

  15. My daughter and son both nap where they sleep at night and always have. My baby girl naps and sleeps in her crib and my son naps and sleeps in his bed. We don't take a nap on the couch and sleep in our bed only at night do we? If I'm tired and want to nap during the day I go lay on my bed.  

  16. My daughter sleeps in her big girl bed at bed time and most nap times unless we aren't home. Than she sleeps in the truck if we are driving or she sleeps in her playpen if we are visiting friends.  

  17. honestly...I put my daughter down anywhere really.  She sleeps in her crib at night all the time...but her naps are either in her play pen, crib or sometimes she likes my son's little sofa bed thing to nap on.  She is 6 months.  I never thought it really mattered where they napped  

  18. Floras a little fiesty tonight LoL... at least your husband has a strong fiance would be more like "uughh...what do you think?"

    I think its fine to put your daughter in her crib for a nap. Im sure she knows the difference that when she is napping it is bright and when she is sleeping it is dark. I think she would wake up from her nap even if it was dark, they dont need that much sleep during the day if they sleep for long periods at night.

    For naps, Ava sleeps either in her crib, bouncer or swing.

  19. she takes naps in her crib. i never even thought about it that way but i don't think it really makes a difference.

  20. Tyler usually crashes wherever he's tried. His bed, the couch, the floor...that is WHEN he takes a nap. (He's 3 1/2)

    Riley usually naps either in his swing or in his crib.

    You're husband isn't "wrong" but I don't think it really matters if she sleeps/naps in the crib. Once they hit a certain age they know the difference between a nap & bedtime.  

  21. Thats weird. I've never heard of that before. Why would it matter that she knows the difference? Either way she will sleep as long as she needs/wants to and that's all there is to it.

    My baby sleeps in his crib, no where else.  

  22. A baby's internal time clock has figured out the difference between naps and night time sleep. She should nap in her crib if you're at home, I agree with you. It's the place she sleeps, and that's what works whether it's 12 pm or 7 pm. It's better to have a consistent routine. Plus if it ain't broke, don't fix it! :)

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