
Where does your cat sleep at night?

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I've heard many cats sleep many different places. Mine sleeps on our bed. Is he weird?




  1. I have 5 out door cats they all sleep in a pile of broken up concrete on my neighbors property. We have a great yard with outside furniture, pillows, etc. all near the cat food and water. They hang out at home, then go the the pile of rubble at night.

  2. My cats have always slept on my bed until I got married now the cat sleeps with the dogs in the laundry and we often find the cat in with one of the dogs, so he doesn't miss us and the dogs don't mind either

  3. my kittens sleep on the sofa or in there bed.

    Your cat isn't weird he's sleeping somewhere hes fells comfy and safe.

    callum :)

  4. Where-ever she She's a cat. Its not like I can tell her where to sleep, or can't sleep.She'd do what she wanted anyway.

  5. One of mine tends to sleep on her bed in the spare room and the other one sleeps on either the sofa or on an easy chair.

  6. My cat is the wierdest !! He sleeps in the sink and sometimes he will sleep under the bookshelf downstairs!! wierd or what??!!

  7. i dont havecat but i thin in the BALKON or in the garden

  8. anywhere he wants - usually the bed. He sits on my husband every morning, demanding to get petted. (BTW, he's my cat)

  9. YOU HAVEN'T HAD YOUR CAT FOR LONG,HAVE YOU?! Welcome to one of the greatest joys in the world!

    1)As someone else,answered,they'll sleep wherever

       they want-unless admonished CONSTANTLY not to

       & usually continue to do what THEY want anyway!

    2)They want to be with the people they know love them!

    3)MOST are "cuddlers"!

    4)They love SOFT things,like bed,couch,basket of

       wash to rest on.

    5)You'll find them on bed especially in the winter-the

       cold drafts on floors "turn them off",apparently.But

       they WILL lie up against heat register,heat vents,near

       stove,& in sunny window for most of any winter day.

    6)ALL cats are "WEIRD"(=UNIQUE!),ENJOY the UNI-

       QUENESS of YOURS-especially when you're overly-

       tired;the soft,rythmic purring can put you to sleep like

       no sleeping pill ever can!


    ATE KITTY!!!


  10. in his basket or on the foot of my bed its quite cute really hes only a baby

  11. i have 5 moggies - on cold nights all of them sleep on the bed

  12. she sleeps on my bed mostly on  my stomach when i turn around she sleeps on my back

  13. Not wierd at all my cats sleep on my bed with me every night. I have to chuck them out of my room (not literally!) when they fidget about too much where they will then sleep beside any of the radiators in the house for warmth. They usually snuggle up together.

  14. We have not had a cat in years, but he used to sleep downstairs near the furnace.

  15. Oreo sleeps anywhere he wants (B&W shelter kitty)

    during the day he sleeps under a lamp (on top of the keyboard) or in a box on my husband's desk

  16. foot of the bed every night. He meeeeows at us if we aren't coming to bed.

  17. Two of my cats sleep on my moms bed. One of them lays on her stomach and they other in between her legs. The other one sleeps with my sister cause she has a big bed and (the cat) likes to stretch out

  18. I don't have cats. I did when I was a little kid. But that cat was got by my grandpa from the streets so we didn't let it inside our house much only sometimes. It sleeps outside and that's what she wants. One time, we let her inside it meowed a lot when she was outdoors she didn't. She's pretty used to it.

    My answer:

    Where your cat is used to be in is where your cat sleeps.

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