
Where does your pride or positive self-esteem come from?

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From your your looks, education, gender, achievements, good deeds, children, family, nationality, intelligence, money, prozac, etc? Which of these things make you feel good about yourself?




  1. achievements, good deeds and my daughter. surrounding myself with positive people who love me helps too, which is why i don't talk to my family. blood or not they were toxic people who just dragged me down.

  2. From my Ego, and Super Ego.....ID keeps it all in check.

    From that list...

    Achievements comes first..I wont lie I've very proud of what I have done in my life.

    intelligence/education, family/ my daughter

    good deeds and money falls into the achievements.

    nationality and looks....are a matter of luck.

  3. I really don't know....

  4. i have none of this no self esteem nothing, i have self respect but thats not the point,the point is i dont judge my self worth on such simple things

  5. Myself.

  6. Achievements

  7. I think both pride and positive self esteem are natural is only through negative stimulus or experiences that people suffer from low levels.

    I was encouraged and nurtured as an only girl in my family that I could do anything.  In fact, it wasn't even a discussion - it was just a given and shown in actions.  Therefore, it wouldn't dawn on me that I wasn't talented, bright and attractive!  

    What a wonderful family I obviously had...

  8. From denigrating others. It makes me feel so big.

  9. im the same as 'd**k blister'.

  10. My upbrining. An individuals upbringing is where their self esteem or lack of self esteem comes from.

  11. My Best friend.  He always seems to cheer me up even when Im in the crappiest of moods.

  12. My proven abilities and things that can be quantified and those that can be proved as facts which give me assurance regarding my abilities

  13. When I was a bit younger it used to come from looks, education, achievements, position, money, intelligence.

    Right now, my self-esteem is more based on the good that I do to others, the principles/values that I live by, and my conviction that my happiness springs from myself and that noone else can make me happy if I m not ready to be happy.

    Good question.

  14. i steal some from you every once in a while...

    u just exude ego...

  15. I get mine from

  16. I get mine from watching Oprah.

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