
Where dose a train go in a tunnel ???

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where dose a train go in a tunnel ???




  1. Thru it

  2. where do you want the train to go in at..... thats where

  3. Uptown, Downtown, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx.

  4. I'll answer with another question. Are you freaking serious?

  5. It goes out the other side - what are you asking exactly?

  6. It goes to wherever the tunnel leads it, hopefully to the other end of the tunnel.

  7. at one end or the other...preferably

  8. A train goes in a tunnel when there is a tunnel to go in. otherwise, it moves along open line.

  9. I've got 2 answers, each depending on how you read the question.                 #1- Wherever the tunnel is.

                                     #2- Through to the other side.

  10. Anywhere there's a hill or mountain that was too big to cut.

  11. What do you mean?  A tunnel you can ride through?  or take a picture of?  I could probably answer your question if I knew what you were asking.

  12. well

    normally they go clear thru and come out the other end

    sometimes they get lost and wander around for days.It can be quite traumatic, especially if the train is claustrophobic or afraid of the dark.

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