
Where dragons real in the past?

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i watched a discovery channel doco where they said that the t-rex dident rule when it was around but the "dragon" did




  1. surn why not....

  2. That was just a hoax. There were no real dragons. It just showed how dragons would've lived IF they existed.

  3. I think the stories you here about involving dragons is a fairy tail myth and nothing more.  You can blame Hollywood for making the fire breathing dragon popular.

  4. No.

    Ancient and not-so-ancient man would find dinosaur bones and wonder what kind of creatures they'd come from. That's why dragons were envisioned to be and described as roughly the same size and shape as many species of dinosaurs.

  5. I believe so.  Otherwise, how could humans all over the world (in a time of no global communication) all come up with a similar/almost exactly the same creature, the dragon, in their stories and art?

  6. lol silly dragons never existed... it was just a thing where one person thought they saw something and then a bunch of ppl started imagining things.... i learned that in english... :-)... can you answer my question too plzz?;...

  7. only in european folk tales and of course english folklore george and the dragon

  8. sure.. why not. if humans could perceive such a thing, we probably saw something similar or the exact thing.

  9. it did for a while but steven seagull broke all their necks, then the t rex ruled with an iron fist and had s*x with many b1tches

  10. wow most of these answers are garbage.

    As far as dragons existing in the past that is up to you unless we find one.

    As far as the discovery channel that fooled me too but at the end they have a disclaimer that the "body" was not real.  

    Keep in mind that it is possible for dragons to exist and that the documentary is about how they would have lived.

  11. Dragons have never existed in this world at all, as they are trans-dimensional beings, you need to have spiritual eyes to see them and they are alive and well today.

    Some people might see them by chance, just like they can see ghosts and other spiritual beings by chances, if they don't have spiritual eyes.

  12. I believe so.  I also believe that some can still see them.  God bless.

  13. I believe the dinosaur was around while human era was dwelling. when an animal becomes extinct years later people wont beleive in them like the unicorn. in the 1300 they were constantly hunted for theyre hornLook at all the old english  and  asian tapestry history dragons are  every story being hunted i tthink the dinosaur was called dragon

  14. well we don'tt know for sure but most legend's come from fact or truth but i beleive they are still hiding in mountains and uncharted islands but they could be dinosaurs,a creature or aliens we dont know till 1 is found by the government and they check 1 out till then we have to be paitent, hope thats helpful

  15. omg!!!! I always wonder this too and if unicorns were ever real... i think they were

  16. so i guess... the dragon from the bible is not real then... phew! if it was a t-rex... then that's a different story... phew!

    the revelation was writen before human found dino bone... remember that!

    and leprecon arent real.... we just celebrate them on st.patrick's day... ahahaha!

  17. ........................................... ******* NO!  *slaps you a few times*

  18. The T-Rex didn't rule the world when dinosaurs were around because it primarily lived in North America.

    There have never been dragons. Ever.

  19. haha no they weren't  

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