
Where else can i go, other than the doctors office, to get my 4 month old weighed?

by Guest33913  |  earlier

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Where else can i go, other than the doctors office, to get my 4 month old weighed?




  1. The only problem with weighing yourself and then yourself with your baby on your own scale is that most home scales do not show ounces.  I've weighed my baby at the postal store.

  2. my sister in law always wanted to weigh my niece because she was premature so she weighed herself then held the baby and calculated the difference that way they knew she was gaining weight... hope this helps

  3. Just weigh them at home. Weigh yourself first and then weigh yourself with your baby. The difference is what the baby weighs.  

  4. You can just weigh your baby at home, that is what I do. I do not need to pay someone to weigh and measure my baby, I can do that just fine.. so I do it myself. The doctor's office is for sick people.

    Just weigh yourself and then weigh yourself holding your baby, and then the difference is your baby's weight.

  5. sometimes baby stores have them there to use. i know here where i live there is a store  where i can just take my baby and wiegh them. i'd go to the post office otherwise. it would be most accurate.

  6. Hello.In England we have baby clinics or you could use a large scale at the supermarket.

  7. Do it at home - stand on the scale weighing yourself and then stand with the baby to see how many more lbs. you are together.

    Also, if you have a postal scale at home you can sit the baby on there - we've done that  :)

  8. Well, you could go to the WIC (women, Infants, and children) office, but also you could weigh yourself, then weigh yourself holding your baby to get a good idea of the babys weight. ( subtract your weight from weight of you holding the baby)

  9. the grocery store at the meat department.  I used to take my son there.

  10. You can always buy your own scale, there are tons of places that sell them. Just google baby scales

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