
Where from come viruses in our computers?who create and send them to us?for what <span title="purposes?Microsoft???????????">purposes?Microsoft???????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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Where from come viruses in our computers?who create and send them to us?for what purposes?Microsoft???????...




  1. Yes. It&#039;s Microsoft. They are tricky people. Don&#039;t trust them.

  2. They are written by people just to see if they can do it or with malicious intent.

    They can be put on your computer without your knowledge if you leave your computer exposed to the Internet without an active firewall or you can download them from other sites if they are hidden in a file or program you download. Friends can unintentionally pass one to you through email if they get infected.

    Always have a firewall and anti virus running on your system to avoid them.

    Believe me, Microsoft hates them as much as you do. They are always catching flack for security holes in the operating system.

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