
Where has John Edwards been? Is he too embarrassed to show his face?

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Democrats are known for having affairs on their wives. It's not such a big deal, well I guess it is if your wife is suffering from Cancer.Will those Democratic pervs ever learn?




  1. Atleast he had the sincerity to apologize to the American public but what about Mccain himself

    Why did he leave his sick wife for that rich woman and had the audacity to run for office

    Does Reps have no shame ?

  2. If cheating on your wife is a problem to you, how can you support the one presidential candidate who did, John McCain, who cheated on his wife after she was in a terrible car accident and then left her for a woman 20 years younger than him. But, I guess when you're a hypocrite those things don't matter to you do they?

  3. He`s just extending what all politicians practice...and that is expecting the American public`s short term memory is to be to his/her/their advantage.

  4. Um, McCain cheated on his wife who was in the hospital suffering from a terrible disability, then left her and his 3 children for his mistress. Newt Gingrich also cheated while his wife had cancer.

    Edwards is not running for anything. He is a private citizen.

  5. He's living in the other America.

  6. John Edwards disappeared after he dropped out of the race.

    He's insignificant.

    Rep. V.P. choice Sarah "who's that girl" Palin just appeared on FRIDAY and all kinds of skeletons are FLYING out of her closet.

    See the difference?

  7. He gave a speech the other day  but  he no longer attract attention form the press.

    I assume  you are young and don't remember  when Gingrich asked his wife for a divorce when she was  in the hospital being treated for cancer, or you would have said politicians instead of democrats. If you  remembered Monica, and the string of congressmen from both parties confessing infidelity    when caught, but going on with their political careers,  you would also know that politicians  have no shame. If fact  disclosures  of extramarital affairs often increases their  popularity with male voters.

  8. I had a mastectomy for cancer in 2007 and the other breast this year.  If my husband had not been there, I would have been so overwhelmed with everything.

    I thought.   Well

    The other day I found where he was searching web sites for women that want "dates".

    It was the day after John Roberts was "exposed.

  9. Oh, no such thing!

    Remember Newt Gingrich. He had an affair and divorced his wife while she was in the hospital AND while he was pushing Clinton's impeachment?

    Now, THAT'S real style!

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