
Where has all the sexual education gone?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone else noticed the high number of unprotected s*x questions, or the, he put it in once, but peed right after, could I be pregnant? There are so many young men and women, who don't seem to know how pregnancy happens, why is this generation so uneducated about s*x & how pregnancy happens? What are YOUR thoughts on this issue.




  1. I have seen quite a few parents choose to not allow their children to go to s*x ed because they feel it's not the school responsibility or right to teach that to their children. Well.. I can slightly understand that I guess. But... if you aren't going to allow your children to be educated in the shool system, then as a parent, you need to step up and make sure your children understand all of that.

    I think we're just getting into a day and age where s*x is so "in your face" all the time, that parents probably think their kids already know about or understand s*x.

    I think if more parents talk to their kids, it would be different. And if kids could get over the embarassment of having the "s*x talk" with their mom or dad and actually listened to what they were teaching, then it would be a different story.

  2. I think most of the time on here the questions are fake at least i hope they are. also i think that people are just being careless and think that it won't it happen to them and then when it does they are in denial... the questions on here that bother me are when kids ask if its possible they got pregnant without having s*x...??? i think they need to talk to the parents or got o planned parenthood and get on birth control if they are planning on having unprotected s*x. there is no shame in being on the pill i got put on it when i was 14 because i have endometrosis and i didn't even have s*x then...  

  3. Pippin is right. in many school counties, the teachers are instructed to teach abstinence only. If they teach safe s*x practices, they will be fired. So, kids are only taught that s*x is bad. What do kids do when they learn something is bad?

  4. down the drain, into an obscure cave of forgetfulness...parents are not doing their job in educating their children about s*x, some think that their kids already know or its the other way around the kids dont absorb any of the info given at school or at home.  having so many misconceptions about s*x and all the locker room talk really doesn't help. parents now rely on school to educate their kids in something that is not their bussiness to begin with.  in the end the kids/teens who do get pregnant are just not using common sense and opt to not use any protection at all thinking that it wont happen to them.  when we as a society stop showing them that s*x is just not a fling or one night stand but rather a responsibility towards ourselves and our partners things like teen pregnancy and naiveness towards it wont end.

  5. right out the window!!! some of these questions i here are from 17 year old girls and i knew this stuff when i was 12.. i mean really, most of it is common sence. and with the rate of hiv going around you would think people would be a little more wise.. it really pisses me off that these 13,15,17 year old girls and boys who go out. have s*x WITH NO PROTECTION and then get pregnant right away!!! while we are sitting here for months and years, established older women who can get pregnant from bd every day.. with our husbands!!! i have a hugh amount of hostility for people who take things for granted... and they all need a course on s*x ed!!!!  

  6. They know how it happens. They know what they're doing. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many questions about whether or not they're pregnant. They just choose not to use protection. I'm not saying everyone is perfect, but they could use protection if they chose to.

  7. It's called 'abstinence only s*x education.'  AKA "If we just tell them not to do it, they won't do it. So we don't have to tell them anything about how to protect themselves/their partners if they DO opt to disregard our advice."

  8. I honestly think they are fake sometimes. Other times, I feel we have some pretty stupid youth in the world. Either these folks don't go to school where they teach s*x ed, their parents didn't talk to them about s*x, or they are just plain stupid. I agree with the last response that they know what they are doing. Most of the questions are dumb. The same ones get asked over and over! I see several of them every 15 minutes and it makes me wonder!

    Can't wait until school starts back up. Maybe some of those questions will die down!

  9. They are given the information, and choose to disregard it in favor of urban legends and old wives' tales.

    Even if they were denied all information in school, which doesn't happen, their ignorance is no excuse. If they can find p**n on the internet, they can find the facts about s*x, contraception, and pregnancy even more easily.  They don't, because they don't want the facts to interfere with their fantasy. They want to have s*x and not think about it, just like in the movies. Trusting in the urban legends allows them to do that.

    You can't stuff knowledge into a brain that doesn't want it. The little fools would rather believe their friends. They could have learned the easy way, but they'll learn the hard way instead.

  10. We skipped that class to watch p**n.  

  11. I agree. Everyone asks "could I be pregnant?" but don't they realize if you have s*x then yes you COULD be pregnant. No birth control is 100%. And the simplest way for them to find out is just take a test. Nobody on here can give a definite yes or no answer, only taking a pregnancy test will tell.

    It really frustrates me and makes me feel bad that so many teens are having unprotected s*x. I am on the pill AND my boyfriend uses a condom, so I know we are very protected. But how can girls just have s*x and not even think twice about asking the guy to put a condom on? It's absolutely ridiculous because it's not like this generation is uneducated. Condoms and birth control are so accessible.

    It's so easy to have safe s*x. So why are people still making the wrong decisions?

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