
Where has china been in the past olympics? why such s medal count surge this year?

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there all time count i think is around 400 and they have like almost 100 this year where have they been and why all of a sudden such a surge? do you think its only because its held there? i dont i thiink it will continue what you think about this




  1. Oh my goodness, you people are pathetic. I think its great to see another nation besides Russian or the USA doing well at the Olympics. Get over it people.

    Also because they are hosting the Olympics, "China gets an automatic quota for every competition, though athletes have to meet the qualification standards set by the country's national Olympics committee."

  2. Another important factor is the U.S. itself has shrunk its lead in many sports they had dominated for long. Swimming, despite almighty Phelps, Australia and a few other countries have eaten the lunch too. Taking the track and field, it is even worse for Americans, 100m, 200m sprint and not to mention any long distance running which is being dominated by African nations.

    So it is not just about China it is also other countries who have put lots of effort, money and man resources for the Olympics are eating the lunch too.  

  3. They've been doing very well in ALL of the recent Olympics. So yes, I do think they will continue.

    I would LOVE to see every country prosper in the medal count.

  4. Your correct the medal surge of the Chinese is mostly because it's being held there. Every country that hosts the Olympics always does better at home than when they are away.

  5. Well, if you would take a history lesson, then you could have answered your own question.

    Ever since China entered the Olympic games in 1984 LA games, China has steadily improved its performance.  That emergence also track China's improvement in economics.  When people have food to eat, place to live and spare time, then they will more time and energy to focus on things such as Sports.

  6. Beijing= First

    Athens 2004- 2nd

    Sydney 2000-3rd

    Atlanta 1996- 4th

    They have have made consistent progress in their medal standing over the past Olympics.

  7. i'm answering the first girl's answer,  you had to do the vault twice and average the scores and the chinese girl did fantastic on the first try but fell on the second so yeah...........

  8. well there is a lot of contaversity about the judging  on the gymnastics. cus taht girl fell to her knees and the american was nocked down to 4th who landed on both feet and didn't fall

  9. isn't it more fun for us to watch when countries continue to rise their standards?

    Great Britain is improving steadily as well...I'm sure they'll do even better in London.

    Wonder what happeded to Russia though...

    Already looking forward to 2012

  10. In 2004 China was only 4 Gold behind the U.S.

    In 2000 China was 9 Gold behind the U.S.

    they have been improving steadily

    and agian, it is the Chinese women that are dominating their competitions and giving them the lead

  11. Because it's their home land and they want to dominate.

  12. More events like Trampoline; rowing; shooting; swimming; judo etc.

    China is dominating in the Men's Gymnastics. 7 Gold Medals.

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