
Where has it all went wrong?

by  |  earlier

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A Mum has been told to keep away from a shopping mall so that the child s*x pervert who abused her 5 year old daughter is free to do his weekend shopping he got out of prison after doing 40 month of a 5 year sent sentance.

whats wrong with him doing his shopping at 3am as it is a 24 hour store,




  1. Human rights do seem to be on the criminals' side and not the victim.   All these bleeding heart liberal do gooders sticking their noses in.  I wonder how they would feel if it were their child?

  2. its a disgrace,people being victimised yet again,as if they haven't been through enough,without having the fear of bumping into someone when your out shopping regardless of the place and time,i know because of him being on licence etc,he will not be allowed anywhere his victims could be,i thought rapists s*x offenders,were not allowed near,malls etc,where young children are,it stinks,there doesn't seem like any justice sometimes,its like the case of the rapist on an outside visit,goes into a shop buys a lottery ticket,and is now a millionaire,i don't agree with that at all,cos i know for a fact,you are not allowed to enter any premises whilst on any licence,especially anywhere that sells alcohol,or gamble,its written in black and white,sometimes the law is a mockery.

  3. At school, going by your grammar

  4. its wrong that hes allowed to shop, full stop!!!

    castrate the b*stard!

  5. Don't have malls in the Uk.

  6. About the same time as your grammar went wrong.

  7. It went all wrong when people started thinking perverts and criminals have the same rights as innocents and victims.

    Maybe some good soul with a claymore will do a little shopping too, shopping for the heads of perverts on the lose.

    If someone had hurt my child I am afraid there would be no fear of them ever going shopping again, or to prison for that matter. There would't be enough left of them to feed a flock of birds.

  8. Geez mate you really stirred up a sh*it storm, Good on ya

    But to the Q, I have applied my unique problem solving abilities to this issue; Two options

    1. I come on over and gut the bs tard, but this may not be politically acceptable

    2. My sane and sensible answer is , I come over and gut the bs tard,   whoops already said that what I really meant was I come over and with me claymore at me side I will escort the lady to the shopping mall(or whatever its called, only a name after all) any d**n time she feels like shopping

    ps you may notice my irrevernt attitude poking thru

  9. I haven't seen this news article.  Do you have a link?  It sounds so unlikely to me; even in this day and age.  There would be an uproar in that locality.  What about everyone else's 5 year olds?

  10. human rights act 1952.

  11. Latest news-

  12. Because 3am is in the middle of the night and not really convenient, especially if he has to work the same day.

  13. It is a problem that authorities have in relation to these wrong doers Under our laws he has done the punishment and as long as he does not re offend he has the same right to a life as you have. His crime has a strong stigma attached and so it should. Some way to allow this to happen must be found you local people unfortunately have to make way for his rights ~~

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