
Where has most of the money attributed to the national debt gone historically?

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Where has most of the money attributed to the national debt gone historically?




  1. Military.  

  2. The majority goes to the pockets of the citizens.

  3. The military only spends 20 cents of each tax dollar.  22 cents goes towards income security (social security, welfare, unemployment, etc.).  20 cents goes to medicaid/medicare and medical research.  16 cents goes to education.  10 cents goes to paying the interest on the national debt.  

  4. One of my friends asked me this kind of questions before,I found helpful here.

  5.   Department of Defense

  6. 1. not now...half the fed debt is from last 10 yeers.

    Fiskal yeer 2007 budjet: tot spend=2.8 trilyun $

    Military (defens)=548.8 bilyun=19.6%

    welfare (SS+medikare+medikade+welfare)=1.551 trilyun=55.4%

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