
Where has the parenting gone?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I'm manily looking for rich, white colar America to respond to this question becuase they are most of the people who I've found to be at fualt. I valet park weekends for a company in NY and after what I've seen over the past 6 months or so, I just wanted to know where the morals are anymore for parents. I see 12-13-14 year old girls, with a dress I don't think my 21year old girlfriend whould where. I'm talking about backless, ultra short, just flat out a dress a hooker whould where, and in some cases SEE-THROUGH! Then they get out there louie vetton hangbag, completely dolled-up in make-up, and go to the trunk of the car and mommy and daddy get there fur-skinned coat for them. Then, at the end of the night these girls(mostly girls) come out on their Iphone's and start screaming to there best freinds about how they "hate" their parent's because the have to leave the bar-mitzfa so early. Then I'll get a pack of boys to come out and throw preztles at me. What is going on?????




  1. When you prove me to me that you can A) Spell and B) Walk on Water then you will be afforded the right to judge other people and maybe, just maybe, someone will listen and care.

  2. how about you learn how to spell?

    "....old girlfriend would where" it's wear.

    and it's not there it's THEIR.

    before you want to be taken seriously, use the correct spelling.

  3. Take that stick out of your butt, stuck up control freak.  It's not just a problem for white-collar Americans.  Control freaks are everywhere.  We'll all reap what we sow.

  4. I'm not rich by any means, or by anyones standard lol. I do know however, a lot of the time...these people are living on credit. They can't "really" afford that lifestyle. Most charge it. Thats how the 50k- 500k in credit debt occurs! I lived in Vegas my teen years, my husband worked at McCarran Intl. Airport (various positions, security, luggage delivery, curbside check in, sky capping ect.). He met a lot of rich and famous people, athletes, musicians, magicians, political, television ect. Most of the time the people that were "faking" the rich life, were terrible tippers, and charged everything under the sun.

    So while some of them are wealthy.....a lot of them will be filing bankruptcy at somepoint in the next 10 years. Same as the "mtg. crisis", someone living in a 250k home, driving a'd never dream they are only making 40k/yr!!! But thats why these forclosures are at an all time high. A lot of them are putting on a show, that they can't afford to play in.

  5. I'm not white collar but I can say that it's because parents don't want to dicipline there kids they want to be "friends" with their kids and their kids get out of control as a result of it they run their parents because they weren't taught to be respectful. it's just the way things are now a days my parents weren't that they loved me and we had a good relationship but when I got out of line they crakced the whip and I learned.

  6. It's simple, most parents don't want to be parents but their children's best friends. Discipline is uncool and teaching morals, ethics, respect, responsibility, etc. is even more uncool and their children may not want them around anymore. There's also the child psychology portion where you don't want to damage their ever fragile psyches by saying the ever so horrible word "NO".

    One day, hopefully, parents will choose to be parents again and guide their children in the right direction but considering the circumstances, I highly doubt it.

  7. you see how p[eople are becoming lazy. they develop this laziness and parent with it, not caring. and some of them are just so busy that they don't care.

    Either way, most people aren't trying and these teens see it and take advantage of it.

    where's the parenting gone? most of it left.

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