
Where have all the anti-war and peace songs gone?

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Think about it. The country is bogged down in a massively unpopular war that has cost over 4,000 american lives, there are massive protests, (though the media doesn't seem to acknowledge them), like the march on the pentagon in early 2006, an economy that's going down the drain, unemployment, global warming, and the current presidential election. All of this is going on, and yet musicians in the mainstream area of music don't seem to pay any heed to any of it. Do they not care, or are the music companies just keeping them silent? I know there's a Ton of underground and indie bands that are speaking out against these issues, but the current system refuses to acknowledge their presence in the music scene. What's your thoughts on this? Keep your answers respectful. Thanks, peace.




  1. They're locked away in the bodies of American Soldiers who gave their lives for this once great country. God Bless America-PLEASE!

  2. The absence of a draft means people don't have the need to protest. Others are going to war and they volunteered ! If the draft came back, the protests would surely follow. Most people are not directly affected by unemployment. The rate is under 6%. Again not enough affected to popularize protests. The silence is created by appathy.

  3. The addendum to your question is erroneous.  First of all, the war is not massively unpopular.  Yes, the Democrats and ultra-liberals want you to think that it's unpopular massively, but it's not. Secondly, there are not massive protests.  Yes, there are protests, but not massive.  Finally, you talk about global warming, the economy and unemployment.  Those issues are not of primary concern to Americans, except for the economy, but that can change overnight.  It's a recession, not "grapes of wrath" depression.  The music scene is making so much money nowadays that they could care less about the U.S./world situation.  As you know, most of the popular musicians are making millions of dollars compared to their audiences who are making less than $50,000 a year.  What do they really care as long as you buy their tickets and CDs?  Suggest you look at the reality of life.

  4. gone to flowers, every one

  5. I ask myself that question. Maybe record companies are afraid to take a chance on political bands because they fear they won't sell. Many people my age (18-22ish) aren't very politically aware. As this is a huge target demographic in music, I think nobody wants to try to push it on them. During Vietnam, you had a much greater media awareness of the horror of war. Today, it's very shadowed and hidden. People ignore it, mostly. It's a sad reality.

  6. No draft to worry about. The evening news looks like a bowl of oatmeal. The papers aren't showing what's really going down. The Internet is divided and you can get either sides point of view with just a click of the old mouse.

  7. If the songs would sell, the record company would release them.

    If you are an activist, and spend your time focused on such things, I can certainly see why you would be confused to the lack of attention to the issue you are interested in. However, the reality of the market says otherwise.

    Consider the movies that have been released lately. The ones that have been decidedly anti-war and/or portrayed soldiers as something other than noble, have failed miserably.

    Americans, as a rule, hate to lose, and dislike whiners, making them far less likely to spend their money on any form of media that promotes those views.

    Oh, and our music industry sucks, and couldn't release a good song if they wanted to.

  8. GITMO

  9. Open the can. Plenty of songs. You just missed them.

  10. the songs are there. i think the real question is why aren't people marching on the streets, singing the anti-war songs, and protesting our country's participation in this bizarre military engagement in iraq and the bush government's continued efforts to expand the war.  do the youth of today lack hope of a better future?  do they feel powerless to make change?  sometimes i think the current under-30 group must be comprised of very isolated individual's who don't know the strength of bringing their voices together.

  11. here's a good recent one.

    I don't think the main media wants to acknowledge such music because they don't want to offend anyone. They don't want people to think about politics, or anything else important, just keep listening to music because it sounds good.

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