
Where have all the good fast food deals gone?

by Guest55916  |  earlier

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Is it just me or has it been a long time since there has been a really good rock solid promotional deal in the world of Fast Food?

It's been at least eight years since I have seen some of what used to be some of my favorites in the fast food world, including $2.22, 2 burgers and 2 fries from Burger King, regular whopper or double cheeseburger from BK for $.99, and numerous other deals which I haven't seen in a long time.

So, does anyone think that promotions like this will return? And what do you think is more likely the cause for this dilemma? The sign of the times and the economy or corporate greed?

I know it's kind of a silly question, but it was on my mind and I wanted to know what everyone else thought.




  1. Not so much a question of a good deal but a marketing strategy,  blame the "value menu".  It's the best they can come up with, a variety of items priced "affordably" McD's says "now on the dolla menu" in its commercials, so don't expect anything like the old days, makes me wonder how they will top the value menus when customers get accustomed and then eventually bored with them.  I wish there was a fast food place that just did a handful of things but did them extremely well, hardees refaced itself like that but their food still sucks

  2. Inflation and food costs are killing the great fast food deals you're talking about.

  3. this no way in any shape or form a silly have asked what many of us ask ourselves......where are those Dollar Big Macs, Dollar Whoppers food places used to reward us slobs for making them you got to hunt down coupons in order to get a reasonable deal

  4. Inflation, the high cost of transport (fuel pricing) labor costs have all risen dramitically.  Plus this sales tactics are used to lure you in, so you spend more.  Some BK's still have the whopper on 99 cents   we had one the other day. Plus most are franchised and can pick and choose which deals and how long they wish to offer. All restuarants including fast food only use promos that make them money. BK has had issues for years as their marketing promos and tactics are not generating the revenue others like McDonalds , Wendys, Taco Bell and KFC to name a few.  

    Promos come and BK has so many choices on burgers it hinders the promos in my opinion.  

    If the recession continues you may see more deals because money will be tight for all american - tighter than now - however, as long as fuel prices stay elevated all food prices will be affected.

  5. I think those promotions were like what they call "loss leaders" in the grocery business, you know a case of pop for $2.50, or a dozen eggs for 59 cents, to get you into the store so you'll buy other stuff. The cheap food was to "hook" you into going, once hooked then they'll use other promotions like cards that when you buy so many subs you get one free, or coupons that come with the newspaper, buy one get one free. Don't know about the US but KFC offers chicken dinners cheap on Tuesdays here in Canada (used to be $2 now it's $2.49 I think. Wendy's, McDs, BK all still have "value menus" that have a lot of 99 cent stuff (more of them in the US I think, our stuff is usually 1.19 - 1.99).

  6. no way, with gas prices this high right now and a world wide drought, nothing good is going to happen until the end of this year, at least!

  7. you've got to be loaded to eat fast food nowadays. its probably a good thing. we have to many fatsos anyway. crispy chicken sandwich is fat food

  8. Gone forever, all these places has let greed overtake them..

  9. With McDonald's, I think all the "deals" have gone the way of the napkins ... I, rarely, get one unless requested.  Well - for every 5 cents you, and 50 million more, would get as a discount every member of the Corporate Board can have a three-month holiday touring Europe so, stay home and save your pennies while the Big Guys look for an opportunity to spend.  America = Greed, Power and more greed for more power. I don't know if it is, still, true but was 5 years ago .... in Japan, the CEO of a corporation many not, by law, earn more than 9 times what the least-paid employee earns.   So, pay the janitor well and you will reap the benefits - sounds good to me!

  10. in heaven

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