
Where have witchcraft started?

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Just a little curious.




  1. Check out this article I found online. It seems that it began around the time of the Celtics... It's fascinating! Just make sure you scroll past the ads! :D

  2. all over the world in one form or another it started out with "Mid-Wives" & branched out into much more!

  3. By definition, Witchcraft is native to every continent in the World. Some call it Shamanism, others Magic, and then others call it Witchcraft. But by what ever name you so choose to label it, it is as ancient as the Earth itself, and no one culture has sole rights to its origins or its general practice.

    I hope this helps out

    Blessed Be


  4. Good question,Witchcraft european wise started out with the Celts.An order of wizards and wise men were a major part of the Celtic tribes.These men were called "The Druids".They conducted the magical ceremonies and sacrifices.They were usually peaceful people,but the worst tribes did some human sacrifices if not many.They were very wise and usually they were elders.Many people seeked to them for wisdom.

    It is often suggested that Merlin could of actually been a real person.A leader of a druid order.But the Merlin we think of may not be like how he really was.Such as the kind we see in Hollywood,or fiction books.He was most likely a peaceful wise man of the Druids who was a friend of nature.

    The orgin of european witchcraft comes from the Druids.And we know what we know from ancient stories and writings that they have left.And there is indeed much yet to be discovered.That is the deepest orgin of Witchcraft-the Druids.But modern witchcraft as we know it was founded by Gerald Gardner,a man who based most of his believes on his studies of ancient witchcraft ot the Celts.But many people argue that his beliefs and writing are not mostly based on the ancient beliefs,but his own.

  5. So many people wnat to believe witchcraft and shamanism started with the Celts. It didn't.  But then, these are the same folk who want all Celts to live in Ireland, Scotland and England, when in reality, the Celts lived all over Europe as well.

    Shamanism and witchcraft began in the cave days.  The cave paintings are a type of sympathetic magic - paintings showing successful hunts done before a hunt, in hopes that it would make the hunt successful.  herbal medical use, use of smoke to purify, the ceremonies surrounding birth, death, marriage, adulthood - all part of a magical tradition.

  6. Witchcraft started atleast 100,000 years ago with fallen gods descending upon Mountian in the east teaching the daughters and sons of man and woman arcane wisdom. It started somwhere in the East around the land of Sumer.

  7. Some forms of witchcraft have been around since th dawn of man-kind,

    With the worshiping of tree,rock,the sun, the moon, Along with a search of power and a multitude of other gods.. And their was a tribal healer called a shaman........ Later on in history in little towns and villages there was and old lady that was a mid-wife and healers and some witchcraft followers trace their craft back to them... And they knew the correct plants and other remedy that were used to help those that came to them...... And later in history Witches started forming covens.............

  8. What many would consider witchcraft started with humans in the Paleolithic era.There is historical proof that the shaman/holy people of the tribe or clan practiced a form of sympathetic magic to help insure a successful hunt, growing season, or healthy childbirths. Those early humans had knowledge of plants and herbs, much like the modern "kitchen" witch. Their practices must have been thought to be successful as they hadn't changed much from what we've witnessed with indigenous tribes and peoples all over the world even into this century. That's at the very least, 50,000+ years of human history, knowledge, and practice we're talking about here. And THAT'S what's been labeled as evil for the last 1,500 to 2,000 years. We have been taught to loathe and fear our own history.

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