
Where/how did you meet your significant other??

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The person I'm currently talking to...met them off Plentyoffish (real friendly local site)




  1. bf thru           a free date site........  Worked well for me!

  2. Mine lived across the street from me for 11 years, and he is now looking at his old house from where he lives now. :)  My friend does PlentyOfFish and besides it being free, she loves it. Good luck ♥

  3. At Monday Night football. His team beat mine.

  4. Husband found me thru online dating..

  5. I met him 16 years ago in the 4th grade.

  6. i was cleaning my car in my driveway when my younger sister brought her freind over to introduce me to her. weve been married for 25 years now.and very happily.....

  7. wal mart

  8. met my man at my old work... i started waitering and he was already working there - i was like the only female working there and i would often join them at the bar after work... and we got to talking and it just happened - lol dont ask me how i dont have a clue but we were sitting at a table talking, ignoring everything around us and ...he put his hand on my leg gently lol i was quietly screaming inside but it turned for the best - we are still together and going strong!  

  9. I met mine through an online game. We were both dead...undead actually. After talking about nothing all night I decided that I must get rid of baggage I had been keeping around for a year because he owed my grandmother money. 8 months later we met and that was almost 6 years ago!

    Now we are married and have a 3 year old. =)

  10. I meet my soul mate back in 89, broke up 91, got back together in 01 married in 06, happy ever since

  11. We hung out when we were 21 at the bars and I completely liked him but kept it to myself because i thought he liked another girl (I'm 27 now).  Then I got pregnant and lost contact with him for some odd years.  About 2-1/2 years ago he found me on my space and we completely clicked again.  Now we live together and are completely head over heels in love.  He secretly liked me too back in the day but thought he had no chance with me.  We are sooo lucky.

  12. Oh no, not plenty of fish!! My friend and I both had profiles on that website, and my friend met so many weirdos on there! After she told me her experiences I took my profile off immediately. On-line dating is personally not for me.

    Anyway I met my boyfriend (of a year now) through my flatmates. Best way to meet people is through friends of friends or co-workers. Normally a friend wouldn't introduce you to a *****/jerk, so it's safer than meeting someone over the internet.

  13. I met my husband of eight years through Yahoo personals.  We were both divorced and not into the bar scene.  His friends talked him into placing an ad on yahoo personals and I found him there.  Best thing I ever did.

  14. I met my signifigant other at my highschool we have been together for a year now...he is one of my bestfriends cousins...but its funny cuz we both liked eachother for a year and we were to shy to make a move...but now we are together and thats all that matters..


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