
Where i can find cheap brothel in sydeny?

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Where i can find cheap brothel in sydeny?




  1. If you are an American, you don't need one. The Aussie girls love us down there. Actually, if you are any kind of a man, you don't need a brothel anyway.

  2. 5 Palmer Avenue...very HANDy

  3. get a newspaper and goto the adult section. failing that goto kings cross.

  4. From your name and spelling..I would suggest Surrey Hills..down towards Cleveland Street,and of course,Kings Cross or any suburb really..just read the ads.Pity you weren't a seppo..they may have to pay you for your macho mouthings. Wear a condom!

  5. Have a look in the adverts section in the Newspaper.

  6. i think its the red sunset, at marrickville

    just look in the paper dude

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