
Where i can find magmortar

by  |  earlier

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i must pass the leage in leaf green?




  1. if you have the following email me and i will give you directions.

    1:a wii

    2: Pokemon Battle Revolution

    3: Mystery gift on pokemon Diamond/Pearl.

  2. u cannot get magmortar in leaf green as that pkmn wasnt invented then!!!! magmar is the last evo. u can go to.

  3. no you just have to evolve magby to a magmar and then trade it with a magmazier it tlls you everything in this link  

  4. Just Cheat trust me cheating in games gives less or no headache then having to hear it from your girlfriend that just found out you cheated with her sister or whatever.  Nobody needs to know what u did with u and ur game.  

  5. u cant catch it in leaf green.  

  6. Under the hedge in Blofstarferskon.

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