
Where i can get an i.d. in manhattan?

by Guest31847  |  earlier

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Does anyone know where in manhattan i can buy a fake ny state i.d and how much they usually cost? i need it to go to club and stuff....if you dont know plz dont reply me like''just get a real one...etc'' THANKS!




  1. Go to nevins street bk and there is alittle mall go in there or ask for the I.d place he will change your birthday for you.No more than $20 and they do work its your picture all your right info your b-day is just changed thats all.If you have commited a crime then the police will take your finger print and find out your real age,but this is for a club.Your not going to be 4yrs old and say your 40,you only go up a few yrs.

  2. Don't waste your $$$. My friends all invested in expensive fake ID's and had them taken away in NYC, LV and PA.

  3. sketchy cigarette shops on bleeker street.

    Take the A C E B D F or V to W4th. This is a very heavily NYU student populated area. Bleeker is 2 streets over. I'm not sure of the name of the place, but multiple places on that street do it. Most of the places have a little sign on the window that says "IDs" Ask people at the smoke shops though...they sell them all over.

  4. dont waste your money, all the bars, clubs and liquor stores know EXACTLY what a fake id looks like no matter how much you pay, believe me they dont work.  I have turned down hundreds of people with the official looking ids that are bought in the city. The only ids that are accepted in the United States of America for Identification purposes are as follows, this list is absolute, no exceptions:

    Photo Drivers License issued by a STATE in the US

    US Military ID

    Passport issued by a soverign country

    Non Driver Photo ID issued by a STATE in the US

    remember, no ID is valid if expired

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