
Where ican get my uk lotery prize?

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Where ican get my uk lotery prize?




  1. You cant ,,,they are fake prizes I get them all the time .....They ask you to pay some fees to get your winnings and there are no winnings at all, ask yourself if you actually entered the lottery and  if you did then I dont have a bloody clue.

    Normally I get e-mails on the millions I have won but I never entered and although I e-mailed them back with a very porographic letter of my disgust at their shifty scam i still get them every day,,,,,,for about three months now. If I really won wouldnt you think they would stop sending me c**p with different amounts that I supposed to have won. But if you actually entered the uk lottery and have a ticket in your hand and it is the wnning ticket then yahoo for you,,but if its on the net just keep deleting them.

  2. if you've won numbers on the Lotto then take it to the place you bought it and they'll hand out the cash.  if it's more than a few quid then call the number on the back of the ticket.

  3. Look on the back of the ticket. Smaller prizes can be claimed from any lottery retailer. Larger prizes you need to collect from Camelot HQ.

  4. As the other answers suggest... if you have a winning ticket that you bought from a shop, look on the back for instructions on how to collect your winnings. If you didn't actually buy a ticket (they cost £1) then you haven't won the lottery.

  5. Call the number on the back of the ticket.. only some lottery places will be able to do it. If it's a substantial sum you will need to goto a post office which will pay out £50,000 in £5000 cheques. You can also get £500 in cash to spend straight away. Take your ID (passport preferably) and proof of address as the staff will need it to fill in the claim form.

  6. send your ticket to me and I'll sort it out for you!

  7. what lottery did you win,,,????

  8. Yet another Q about a scam!!

    My good Friend, I have had many scams -even daily - over the past nearly 3 years.

    I have heard all sorts of wonderful stories and claims.

    I even tested out these UK Lotteries.

    When they gave me a bank and contac, I had my own bank here, chase this person up through their channels.

    He reported that his details had been falsely given to many others by scammers.

    I can tell you, Don't touch any of these claims.

    Virtually everyone of them has proven a scam as I've experienced them!!

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