
Where in Britain is it the LEAST punishable to pee on someone?

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It's interesting to note that English-speaking peoples have generated some of the most conservative and yet the most liberal enlightening social behaviours on earth.

Take for example the commonwealth of the US state of Virginia, settled by British colonists, very strict penal code. Same with the Puritans of Massachusetts. Same with the Australian settlers who used to jail for life a starving chap cooking a sheep for lunch.

And then yet the same country generates the wild Ozzy Osbourne, Austin Powers (really Canadian-invented), John Lennon, Blur, Radiohead.

And so I wonder if there's a segment of today's UK who would not consider peeing on someone else to be a mortal sin, but rather a 'naughty prince Harry' slap on the wrist kind of thing to do. And say "you naughty boy" Keep you uric acid away from me.




  1. England have been crapping on Scotland for four hundred years and getting away with it - that is why we want our independence from this vulgar nation.

  2. i see the gist of your question, but come on now, pissing on someone?  Illegal or not, it'll get your a$$ kicked anywhere you go :)

  3. prison?

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