
Where in Canada can I buy baby stuff??

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I will be traveling to Toronto in September and I will be going with my 20 month old. Is my first time there and I don't have a clue of where to buy diapers and formula. I will stay there for 15 days I can't travel with so many diapers. Please Help!!!




  1. well we have shopping malls and drugstores

  2. any gorcery store, or shopper's drug mart, or any other pharmecy will sell baby stuff.  Don't worry, most corner stores sell the stuff as well.  You will find it more than easy to find what you are looking for.

  3. You'll find all those things at the same sorts of stores where you probably buy them now - department stores, pharmacies and grocery stores.  Most larger towns and cities have at least one Walmart within close proximity, and you can certainly get all those things there.  Don't stress about it - it will be easy.

  4. You're not going to TIMBUKTU.

    Toronto is a civilized city complete with Wal Mart and everything!

    Geesh, calm down Toronto has the same stores as the US pretty much, some better.

  5. Anywhere you store, convenience store, Walmart, Zellers, you name it...if you find a store with out the product that you are looking for...ask the cashier, explain that you are from out of town and she will no doubt give you directions to the closest store that sells the item...Canada is really quite modern and up to date and they do sell baby items.

  6. Pretty much any Department store (Zellers, Wal-Mart), Grocery store, or Pharmacy - you could probably find diapers at a store every block you walked. No worries, Toronto is a major metropolitan city just like any in the U.S.

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